Chapter 24: How It Started

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I woke up once again ready for another day of training.

This is how my life has been since I was born.

"Subject 4-01 make your way to the training facility now"

I followed the instructors commands and made my way quickly. Today I'll be starting off with running and agility training to warm up first.

After 30 minutes I finished warming up and ready for the next task.

"Today will be a little different than usual" The instructor stated

"We wanted to match you up with other kids your own age to see they fair against you, however since you've been the only one left in this generation you'll be matching up with the 5th"

So this is what my task is for today.

"You'll be matching up against them in numerous tasks such as fighting, endurance, written and memory test, and so on, now follow me"

I followed along, I didn't think much of this task, I just needed to win that's all.

Entering a different room I was met with 40 other kids and a few other instructors. There was something odd with these kids, half of them looked at me with hatred while the other half looked at me star struck, especially one girl with red hair.

Also since we're around the same age there's still 40 of them instead of 60 like how it was with me. Either their all far superior which is unlikely or their tasks aren't so difficult compared to mine.

"This is subject 4-01 Kiyotaka, now that he's here let's begin immediately, first test is hand to hand combat, six against one"

It seems my analysis was correct, so I made my way to the training mat.

"Why not one on one?"

"Are you insulting us!?"

Now they feel insulated, insinuating the fact that it's a six on one being an advantage for them.

"Shut up brats! Do as your told or face the consequences, now you six get on the mat as well!" The instructor yelled

Now the six of them were standing in front of me.

"You may now begin!"

With that they all dashed towards me at the same time, I stepped back dodging their advances, two of them made their way to circle behind me. It seems that their relying on teamwork against me.

I turned to one of them behind me and quickly grabbed the girl and threw her hard into the kids that were in front of me causing two of them to stumble. I immediately went towards the other one that was behind me and blocked one of his punches grabbing his wrist and throwing him down then giving him and axe kick to the face. One down.

One of the girls aimed a jump kick at me, I dodged and quickly moved behind her hitting her in the back of the head with an elbow instantly knocking her out. Two down.

I immediately dropped to the ground as another kid was planning to roundhouse kick me while my back was turned. I flipped around and sweeped his legs then I took top mount and rained punches on him knocking him out with the third punch. Three down.

I rolled off him and ran to the last three that were now up after getting knocked down. One of them threw jabs at me while the other was throwing kicks and my legs hoping to catch me off balance. Then the last girl got up to join the other two. Then the boy in front threw a right hook while the other boy that was at my side dropped down to sweep my legs while the other girl at my other side aimed a left kick at the back of my head trapping me in a triangle position.

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