Chatper 17: Results and A New Exam

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Day 3

Most of the day I had spent sleeping since I would be up pretty much all night, eventually our class found out that Koenji had retired and this had caused an uproar, they had woken me up so I got up and put them back in their place.

Day 4

This day I decided to relax so me and Ichika went back to Class B camp to hang out again.

Day 5

I continued on with the plan of reclaiming the spots, when I got to Class A spot I found Kamuro guarding it now.

"So I'm guessing you'll let me claim it?" I walked up to her

"Just hurry up, you creep me out just like that loli"

'Another cold girl, good thing I know how to deal with them'

"You know we never got to formally meet, my name's Ayanokoji Kiyotaka" I smiled at her

"Kamuro Masumi, can you leave now"

"Ow that hurts, I just wanted to get to know such a beautiful girl"

"W-Where did that come from!?"

I swiped my card claiming the spot again

"I guess I'll go now, how about we get a drink some time, I know how much you like those" I winked at her

"H-How do you know that!? Who told you!?"

I left quickly leaving Kamuro questioning herself.

Day 6

Tonight would be the final night and tomorrow would be the results, while I was going around I had found someone sleeping in a discreet location.

"Wake up dragon-boy!" I yelled to him

"What the hell!" He shot up and looked around

"What are you doing here?" He questioned

"I was just going around spying on the other classes and I happen to stumble across you, is it wrong to assume that your the leader since everyone else in your class is gone?" I grinned

"You motherfucker" He growled

"Well then I'll just be on my way to tell this to Koenji" I turned to leave

I then moved to the side to avoid his flying kick

"Don't think that I'll let you leave easily" He stated

"You might as well just let me leave, or I'll just have to kick your ass a second time"

"Don't think I'll give up easily" He charged at me

I blocked his punch and gave him a hard backhand

"Guh!" He stumbled back

"Done already?" I asked yawning

"Don't get cocky!" He shot back at me again

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