Chapter 9: Catching An Interest

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A few days have passed and the midterms are coming up, I'd say the study groups have been fine, especially for Sudo and Ike since I ordered Kushida to help them.

Its late at night and I've just been in my room laying down in my bed getting bored.

"Maybe I'll go pay Ichika a visit"

That said I put on my shoes and left getting in to the elevator.

While in the elevator I looked at the cctv and saw Horikita in the lobby leaving.

'Where's she going this late'.

I decided to follow her, hiding my presence.

She went into an alley and I sensed someone else here, they seemed familiar.

"I didn't think you'd follow me this far, Suzune"

'Well hello President'

"I'm far different from the useless little girl you once knew nii-san, I came here to catch you"

'That's never gonna happen and your still useless'.

"Catch me Hmm, I heard you were placed In Class D, I suppose nothing really has changed in the last 3 years, choosing to come to this school was a mistake"

"No, it was a mistake I'm sure of it, I shouldn't have been place in Class D"

'Get over it'.

"The Japanese government doesn't make mistakes Suzune, especially something as crucial as this, the fact that you can't even notice your flaws just proves it"

"But I'll-"

"I told you it's pointless, I really do have a disobedient little sister"

He grabbed her wrist and pinned her against the wall, she showed no resistance, 'Wow she's a massive bro-con'.

"If people learned the truth that your my little sister, I would be humiliated, leave the school immediately"

"I-I can't do that...I'll definitely reach Class A I'll show you!"

'No, I'll reach Class A while carrying everyone'.

"It seems you want to relieve the pain of the past"

He cooked his arm back and threw a hard right jab at her stomach causing her to fall, 'What a nice sight'.

'I think I should come out now".

"Well, well, Mr. President, what a great show that was" I said as I was clapping

"A-Ayanokoji-kun!" Horikita said


"Now I think we should talk" I said as I pulled out my phone

Without saying anything he rushed towards me throwing a kick to my side, then I blocked it, he threw his hand out trying to grab me, so I grabbed his wrist, he pulled me towards him, but before he could throw me I knee'd him in the stomach



Then I swiped his feet causing him to fall back.

"As I expected...You are...good" He said the best he could

"Well I wasn't really trying, I made sure to hold back, otherwise I would've caused some serious damage"

Both him and Horikita couldn't believe it.

"You just keep amazing me Ayanokoji"

Horikita was shocked to hear her brother compliment and acknowledge me like this.

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