Chapter 13: Class C Trouble

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Class was about to start and some people were confused as to why we haven't gotten private points after we passed the exam.

I already knew why because Sae had already told me beforehand.

The bell rang and sensei walked in with a poster.

"Sensei how come we haven't gotten our points!"

"Yeah what gives!"

'How pathetic, how broke are they?'.

"Shut it, I'll get to that in a second for now I'm gonna show the class standings"

Class A: 1004

Class B: 720

Class C: 505

Class D: 90

Some people were now hopeful of the fact that we'd gotten a bit of class points.

"Now as to why you didn't receive any points it's because Class C has filed a complaint against Sudo Ken in use of violence"

And of course chaos erupted

"Silence!" She slammed her hands down on the podium making everyone silent, 'Damn she's hot when she's fiesty'

"Class C says that 3 of them were beaten up by Sudo"

This made everyone more angry.

"It was self defense I tell you! Self defense!" Sudo stated

"Do you have proof that it was self defense" Sae said

"N-No" He said looking down

"There will be a trial tomorrow, be sure to find any evidence so you better find a witness, if not suspension or even expulsion is on the line" As she said that she walked out for morning classes to start

Everyone started glaring at Sudo

"Isn't he just the worst!?"

"We should of let him get expelled!"

"Why did we even save him!?"

'We? Don't you mean me'.

"Shut up!" I said gaining everyone's attention

"Everyone just stop complaining I'll take care of this and by me I mean Ichika"

"Huh? Why me?" She said confused

"Since I'm Vice President I'll be overlooking this trial so I can't be biased, however I can trust that you will take care of it and if you do I'll reward you" I said

She beamed in excitement

"Yay! You can count on me I'll save you angry-kun!" She said

"Y-Yeah thanks" Sudo said

"Now I think we should start looking for witnesses" Hirata said standing up

"That's a great idea! We can also ask people from other classes!" Kushida said

"Has anyone here seen anything regarding the incident" He said

Everyone shook their heads, however one person didn't.

Sakura Airi, she's a cute and shy girl, instead of looking and responding she looked down nervously, she might be a witness.

After class ended me and Ichika went up to her followed her silently until we were outside and no one was around.

"Excuse me Sakura" I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder

"EEK!" She yelped as she dropped her camera, 'Oh shit'

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