Chapter 12: Date With Sensei🍋

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🍋Lemon Warning🍋

I was standing outside the restaurant I had booked exclusively for me and sensei, it was the most expensive restaurant on campus and was mostly used by the third years.

I then heard footsteps and turned to see one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.

She had her hair down and she wore a black strapless dress that really emphasized her curves, she looked way too gorgeous.

"Well hello Sae, don't you look very beautiful" I said grinning, I then took her hand and kissed it

"H-Hello Ayanokoji-kun and you shouldn't talk like that to your sensei" She said looking away bashful

"We're only student and teacher during class, but we're on a date so tonight we're mearly lovers" I said interlocking my hand with hers

"F-Fine let's just go" She said flustered

"By the way sensei, how do I look?" I asked her giving her a devilish smile

"Y-You look nice...and hot" She said blushing even more

"What was that?" I asked, she muttered the last part but I was able to hear it

"Nothing! Shut up"

We then walked in and sat in a table in the the middle of the room.

"This place is very expensive, are you sure you can afford it after all the points you spent?" She asked

"Of course I can, it doesn't how many points I spend it's all worth it just for you" I said flirtatious

"Flirting won't get you anywhere"

"It got me this date"

"It was the points that got you this date" She said smugly

"Ow that hurts Sae at least let me make this night special"

After a few minutes we got our food and started eating.

"So what was the real reason for this date" She asked

"What do you mean"

"Why would you spend 5 million points just to go on a date with me? What's your real motive? Were you trying to gain information?"

"Sae I think you misunderstood my intentions, I simply wanted to date you because I want you" I said in a serious tone

"W-What!? You mean you want me a pawn isn't that right"

"No, I want you as my woman, I want to be in love with you"


"Because you took my interest and your very beautiful, so I want you Sae" I said as I took a hold of her hand

"D-Do you understand what your doing?" She said blushing

"I do, I'm fully aware"

"Do you really mean what you said?" She asked

"Yes I do, so will you be mine Sae" I said seductively

"I don't know it's too early to answer"

"I'll wait for you then"

"You really are a unique one" She said

"Of course I am"

After we finished we left and I walked her back to her apartment. Overall I have to say the date was great, I got to know more about her and we shared some laughs.

"Thank you for the date Sae I had a great time" I said

"Yes I guess it was enjoyable"

"You know the night is still young Sae" I said as I wrapped my arm around her waist

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