Chapter 5: Point Glitch, Meeting The Queen, and Swimming Competition

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Its now been 2 weeks since school started and since the betting club has been established.

The rules of the betting club are like like this, you must place a bet of 10,000 points or higher and if you want to make your own challenge it'll be an extra 20,000, you're allowed to challenge us in things ranging from tests to races to chess or to fights.

When the club started news about it spread fast like a forest fire, and when that did I would go up to every upperclassmen and brag about my abilities and how no one could beat me, Ichika did the same as well.

In the first week I made 1,775,000 points, and because I never lost, after that more people would challenge me, Ichika surprised me as she gained 1,990,000 in the first week, it was understandable as people would underestimate her because she was a girl and thought she was an easy challenge, too bad for them she's not a normal girl.

She beat everyone who challenged her easily, an upperclassmen even challenged her to a fight and the guy had quite a big body, however Ichika easily knocked him out in one blow, the only time she ever lost was in arm wrestling against a guy named Albert from Class C.

Then during the second week I was challenged by a guy named Nagumo, 'So this is that Nagumo guy those upperclassmen were talking about'.

He challenged me 3 times to chess, each time betting 300,000 points, after he lost he was frustrated and said I'll pay for this in the future

My current points are now 4,862,500

It was now friday and class just ended, today I have a fight against a guy named Ryuuen Kakeru who was the tyrant leader of Class C, but before anyone left the class...

"Hey stop there you bastard!" Yamauchi shouted gaining everyone's attention in the class

"What do you want" I asked

"Arm wrestle me now!"

"Fine put up the points now"

He bet 20000 points, im pretty sure this was the last of his points considering he always spent them, he was probably confident that he would win this.

"Hahaha I'm gonna beat you easily, no one compares to me The Great Yamauchi!"

Everyone in class was looking at us as we connected our hands on the table and after the match started...

"Grrr aggh!" Yamauchi was struggling hard to push my hand down, he was using every ounce of strength he had which wasn't much

Me on the other hand had a blank face not moving my hand at all and was just staring at him pitifully, I decided to help him out a little.

"If you want you can use your other hand" I said

"Ha! You asked for it now"

He was now using both his hands but it made no difference.

"Grrr!" He was still struggling hard

"hahaha" I couldn't help but laugh "You know what, Ike how about you help him out and use both of your hands" I said towards Ike

Ike immediately put both his hands on Yamauchi's and pushed with him, it actually made a little difference but only a little.

"Alright I'm done being entertained now" I said as I quickly slammed both their hands down and I got up to leave

"You asshole you cheated!"

"How'd I cheat?"


"How about you stop acting like a bitch, Yamashit" I said as I got closer to him and smirked

I left the class to head to the gymnasium for my fight, everyone in the class had given looks of pity against Yamashit and Ike.

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