Chapter 23: Welcome To The Club🍋

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(I'm back and what better way to come back than a lemon!)

🍋Lemon Warning🍋

I was now walking back to my room with Honami so we can 'hang out' with my other 'friends'.

"So what are we gonna be doing?" She asked

"Each other" I muttered

"What was that?"

"We ordered some food so we're just planning on chilling"

"Oh sounds nice" She smiled

We reached my room and opened the door

"Welcome back senpai!~" She greeted me

"Yo" I walked past her

"Hi big boobs-chan!"

"Hello Amasawa-san" She smiled

"So will you be 'joining' us~" Ichika asked

"Yes if it's not too much trouble"

"It's not, senpai would greatly appreciate it~"

"Shut up" I replied

The two of them then moved to where to table was and Honami was shocked.

"Is that Chabashira-sensei?" She said bewildered

Sae was surprised to see her here and looked towards me to save it

"Me and Sensei here have a 'special' relationship" I said

"What do you mean by that?" She asked

Ichika then whispered something in her ear which Honami got red instantly

"H-Huh!" She said in surprise

"Be sure to keep it a secret" Ichika winked at her

"W-wow I would've expected this from Hoshinomiya-sensei hehe" Honami laughed nervously

"So are you gonna keep ignoring me, I've never been ignored before"

"Oh sorry I was just shocked to see sensei here, you must be Kiryuin-senpai"

"The one and only" Fuka stated

"So what's your relationship with Kiyotaka-kun?"

"He's my future husband" She stated


"Hey don't get it twisted, your one of my future wives" I said

"Can't you just let me be the dominant one" She said

"Not happening, anyways let's start eating"

We started digging in while having a few conversations, Sae even brought over a bottle of sake in which we gladly drank except Honami.

After finishing I went to the bathroom to shower since I was sweating all day.

After stepping out everyone was now sitting in the living area conversing with each other,Honami was sitting on my bed and I walked to sit by her

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