Chapter 10: A Night With Fuka🍋

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🍋Lemon Warning🍋

(The queen orders you to lose NNN)

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(The queen orders you to lose NNN)

It was 6 PM and I'm heading to Fuka's room to fulfill my end of the bargain.

Once I got there I knocked on the door.

"It's open" I heard

I walked in and was blasted by a wonderful fragrance.

"I've been waiting, Kiyo~"

So, she's calling me Kiyo now.

By the way she was sitting on the bed crossing her legs and was wearing a robe, looking way too sexy.

"Hope I didn't make you wait long, don't wanna put you out of the mood" I said smirking

"Don't worry about it, I could never get out of the mood with you around~" She said grinning

She then gestured me to come closer, I obliged and moved, she then stood up and removed her robe wearing a pair of very sexy red lacy lingerie.

I admired her for a bit before she jumped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

I grabbed her by her ass and started feeling it, my fingers easily started getting sucked in.

She immediately pressed her lips against mine and quickly stuck her tongue in my mouth.

"Mmauh~" She was making very alluring moans

I then carried her to the bed and pushed her down, we broke apart with our saliva connecting.

She then spun me around as she was now on top of me, 'So she wants to be the dominant one, okay I'll play along'.

"Tonight I'm going to be the one in control Kiyo"

"Fine do as you want" I'll let her think she's in control for now

She grinned and pulled my shirt off.

"Mmm that's what I'm talking about, I'm really going to enjoy you" She said as she was feeling my body

She then moved towards my neck kissing and sucking it before moving down to my chest.

"Mmm" This sensation was feeling good

She started kissing me down my body getting lower and lower.

"Now let's see how big you are" She said

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