Chaper 6: May 1st

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Today was April 30 and class was about to start, 'I can't wait for tomorrow to see all the looks on their faces', am I a sadist for this?

The bell rang signaling the start of class and sensei walked in caring a stack of papers.

"Everyone take your seat and be quiet, today's class will be more serious"

"What do you mean Sae-chan-sensei?"

What a stupid nickname

"It's the end of the month so we will be taking a short test, pass these to the back"

She then handed them out to the first row, the test had several questions from all 5 major topics, some are even middle school level, what kind of dumbass would fail this test.

"A test? But I wasn't even paying attention!"

That kind of dumbass

"Calm down, this test is only for future reference and will not reflect on your report card, there's no risk so be at ease, however cheating is still prohibited"

The last page contained questions that are 3rd year to college level difficulty, well looks like their gonna have some trouble.

After 12 minutes I stood up and made my way up

"Here" I held out my paper

"Done already?" Sensei asked

"Hahaha he gave up already!"

"What a moron!"

"You seem to be mistaken I didn't give up, in fact I'm pretty sure I got full marks, in fact why don't we bet on it" I started walking towards Yamauchi

"What are you trying to bet, either way I'm sure im gonna win!" He said confidently

"If I get full marks then you will be expelled" Everyone tensed up and was now staring us "But if I don't get full marks then I'll be expelled, what do you say?" I said grinning

Everyone was in shock and couldn't say anything except for...

"Ayanokoji-kun I don't think you need to do this" Of course Hirata would object to this

"Stay out of this, it doesn't concern you, now what do you say Yamauchi" I said in a cold tone

"Hahaha you are a dumbass, I accept!" I knew you would

"Good" I flashed a devilish smile "Sensei you'll be a witness to this agreement", she nodded

I made my way to my seat, but Everyone was still in shock, I could see Ichika grinning the entire time

After 2 minutes she got up to turn in her test however this time no one said anything, 'Fucking simps'.

"Your an idiot" I heard Horikita mumble

We'll see who's the idiot tomorrow.

After leaving class I headed towards the libary for my next challenge.

Arisu had challenged me to a game of chess, this would be my first time seeing her again since the last time she visited the white room.

I got to the library and saw her sitting down, next to her was a girl with purple hair with an annoyed look on her face.

"Hello Kiyotaka-kun, it's been a while, you've grown a bit" She said

"Yes it has, although I can't really say the same for you" I said with a smirk

The girl next to her tried holding in her laugh.

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