God No

887 18 3

Lezabel's POV

Drac ends the call and just then i hear gunshots echo .Each loud bang getting closer.

I wipe myself and get the gun from under the bed ,thankfully i had thrown on my nightdress .

I stood beside the door and waited till they kicked it down ,i shoot the man in his head .The second he is dead i take his gun and run out ,i shoot as many as i can .

As i walk down the staircase i see Hades ,his whimpers are low .I see the wound he had .Some of these fuckers shot my dog 

"no no please boy don't die please Hades "

I pick him up and run out the door . As I run three men walk up to me I lay Hades on the grass praying he is okay and shoot the men.

One in the head, the other in the throat and the last man had two bullets in his knees

I see Nancy and Drac's bodies laying on the floor . I check their pulse and they didn't have one. Tears pricked at my eyes. They took out all my loved ones .

Seth .God i hope he is fine but for now i had to get Hades to a vet.
I get in the car and drive to the vet .

"helpp please "

"mam bring the dog here " They take him to the operation room .I take out my phone and dial Seth .

"hey "

"oh my gosh are you okay ?"

"yes ,babe what is wrong ?"

"get to the Westdoc vet "

I hang up and wait outside the operation room and wait .I have never prayed before but whoever is up there please save my baby please .I cry and cry my tears drying on my face .



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