Passing Notes

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A/N: The letters Y/I = Your initial (first letter of your name).

"Hey, do you have a pencil I could borrow?" I heard someone ask. I looked up from my book to see Barn looking at me. "Let me see." I said as I got into my backpack to check if I had a spare. "Here you go." I said as I handed him one. "Thanks. Remind me to give it back to you." He said. "You can keep it." I replied, and he thanked me once more. A few minutes later class started. The teacher came in and started taking roll call.

"Ah, Barns Courtney. I see you actually managed to not be late today." The teacher said with a sour expression. Barns was the type to be late to class and he's kinda the class clown. But he did okay with his studies even though he was a little rambunctious. Plus the way he dressed gave him a bad name. He always had his leather jacket on and a pair of cool boots. The teacher started the lesson, and I tried my best to pay attention. "Man, this dude is so boring." Barns mumbled, and I suppressed a laugh.

He smiled at me when I glanced over at him. I couldn't disagree with him; the teacher was very boring. Even I was having a hard time focusing. I was taking notes when I felt a tap on my elbow. Barns was seeking me a note, and I took it quickly so the teacher didn't see. I carefully opened the note to read what he had wrote.

B - Hey, you seem kinda cool. Wanna hangout later?

I was surprised that he asked me to hangout. But he seemed cool and nice, so I thought that it would be okay. Besides, I've always found him kinda interesting. Not to mention mysterious. So I wrote a reply and handed the note back.

Y/I - Sure. I like your leather jacket btw. :)

B - Thanks. :) Do you like rock and roll bands?

The two of us had a conversation through passing the note back and forth. I was trying to keep taking notes as well. I actually managed to do it successfully too. I guess I was better at multitasking than I thought. When the class ended I packed up my things. After putting everything in my backpack I noticed that Barns had waited for me. "Are you ready to go?" He asked curiously. "Yeah." I replied as I put my backpack on and followed him into the hallway.

The halls were chaotic because it was Friday. Everyone was excited that it was the weekend. People were talking and slamming locker doors closed. "I have to stop by my locker real quick." He said. I quietly followed him, and waited as he opened his locker. I saw various band stickers all over the inside of the door. I knew and liked most of them, and I said so. "That just makes you even more cool! Most people in this town don't like rock music." He said as he grabbed his things.

"I know. They think it's the Devil's music." I said and we both laughed. He filled his backpack with books before putting it on his back. He carried a skateboard in his left hand as we walked down the hall. "Oh, cool! You know how to skateboard?" I said. I mentioned how I always wanted to learn, but was always too nervous about it. "I could teach you sometime if you want me to." He offered, and I thanked him. We walked downstairs to the first floor and out a side door.

"Hey, Y/N! Come with us to the mall!" My friends yelled, catching my attention. I glanced over at Barns, and his soft blue eyes seemed to sadden. "Maybe some other time! I kinda have plans!" I yelled back. They looked displeased, especially when they saw me walking off with Barns. We walked quietly for a while before either of us broke the comfortable silence. I was enjoying the perfect fall weather, personally. "Thanks for not running off when your friends asked you to hangout." He said softly.

"Don't mention it. I made plans with you first anyway." I replied with a smile, and he smiled back. We made small talk as we walked into town. He ended up taking me to a record store. The place also sold guitars, drums, amplifiers, etc. We looked around and the store owner spoke to Barns. Apparently he knew him well, because he always came in after school. "Who is this?" The owner asked. He was an older man and he seemed nice. "This is my new friend, Y/N." Barns introduced us to each other.

I looked at the records while Barns looked at the guitars. After a few moments I heard someone playing a guitar. When I walked deeper into the store I saw the store owner was playing music. I wasn't surprised that he knew how to play guitar. Especially since he sells them. It would be off for a guitar salesman not to know how to play guitar. He was playing a Led Zeppelin song I was familiar with. I gasped when Barns started singing. He didn't sound like Robert Plant, but he sounded pretty good. I didn't expect him to be such a good singer.

When they stopped I clapped, and they both smiled happily. "Holy shit! You can sing!" I said, which made the store owner laugh. "He's a pretty good singer for his age. I've been telling him needs to form a band." The man said. "It's hard to form a band when my classmates aren't fond of me." Barns replied, and I felt bad for him. He really was a decent person. I guess people just didn't understand his music and fashion taste. "Don't worry about that, Barns. You'll get a band together someday. And when you're rich and famous don't forget about me." The store owner said with a smile.

Barns and I looked around the store a little more before leaving. "Are you hungry?" He asked as we started walking down the street. "Yeah, I am feeling kinda hungry." I replied. We ended up going to a local diner I hadn't been to in a long time. They played classic rock on the radio, and served good food. We both got burgers, fries, and a milkshake. "You're friends are gonna think you're crazy." He said before eating a few fries. "Why is that?" I asked curiously, taking a sip of milkshake.

"Because you're spending time with me. I'm the freak of the school, remember?" He replied with a small laugh. "You aren't a freak, Barns. I think you're cool and funny and nice." I replied a little awkwardly. He smiled and his blue eyes seemed to glow with happiness. It made me feel good seeing him happy. "Thanks. I'm glad at least one person likes me." He said, still smiling a little. As we ate I spotted a few jocks and cheerleaders come in. Unfortunately they spotted us too.

They laughed amongst themselves. I tried not to think of what tasteless jokes they made. I just hoped they wouldn't start anything with us. After we finished eating, we paid for our meals. Then we left unscathed. "Would you like me to walk you home?" He asked, and I said yes. The sun was setting by now, so we kinda walked quickly. Once we got to my place we sat on the porch for a few minutes. "Thanks for hanging out with me this evening, Y/N. I really appreciate it." He said softly.

"Thank you for asking if I wanted to hangout with you. I had a really nice time. Maybe we could hangout again sometime?" I said, hopefully. "Absolutely!" He said with a big smile on his face, which made me smile back. We exchanged numbers before he went home. This time he rode his skateboard so it would be faster. I walked inside and talked to my parents for a few minutes. They weren't upset at the time I came home. They always knew I spent time with my friends on Fridays.

I told them I already ate and went up to my room. As I started my homework I couldn't keep a smile off of my face. I was looking forward to spending more time with Barns. Even if my friends and classmates didn't like him too much. I like him and that's all that matters in my mind.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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