Honey | Part 7

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I was sitting in bed watching random YouTube videos. I was honestly kinda feeling a little bored, but I didn't know what to do. I didn't have the inspiration to do anything creative or anything, which sucked. Especially since I wasn't tired enough to go to bed yet.

Barns: Hey, do you mind if I stop by? I have a little surprise for you.

Me: I don't mind at all.

Me: What's the surprise?

Barns: You'll find out when I get there. :)

Me: Okay.

I exited out of YouTube and slipped on my shoes. I kept my sleeping clothes on though, because I didn't wanna change. I was wearing an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I walked downstairs and switched on a couple of the side table lamps. Just so I could see without having to use a flashlight or turn on the main lights. I sat down on the couch and waited. My mom was spending time at her sister's place. It made me feel more alone than I already did, but at least I have Barns. Without him I would really be alone. A few minutes passed before I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water and took a couple of drinks.

I went back to the living room and waited for a little while longer. When I heard Barns's vehicle pull up I couldn't help but smile. When he knocked on the door I got up and looked out of the window to make sure it was him. I smiled when I saw Barns standing on the front porch. "Hey." I said with a smile after opening the door. "Hey, come here." He said as he opened his arms to me. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back and I snuggled into him. I melted when he gently tightened his arms around me. We stayed like that for a while before slowly breaking the hug. "What's the surprise?" I asked curiously after a few moments of comfortable silence.

"I wanted to look up at the stars with you, but I know the grass is wet due to the rain we got. So I put blankets and pillows in the bed of my truck." He said with a small smile on his handsome face. "That's a great idea." I said with a smile of my own. I followed him over to his truck. He pulled down the tailgate of the truck bed. We took turns getting into the truck bed, and he helped me as well. I thanked him before we started to get a little comfortable. I laid on my back and looked up at the night sky. The stars and crescent moon looked beautiful. I tilted my head slightly so it was kinda against Barns's shoulder. I felt warm inside when he gently rested his head against mine. He grabbed a nearby blanket and covered us up with it. It was a little chilly outside.

"Barns." I said after a long while of peacefulness. "Yeah?" He said in a questioning tone. "I'm feeling sleepy." I said. "We can go inside. I'm starting to feel a little sleepy too." He replied softly. We slowly got out of the truck bed. I helped him put the blankets and pillows into the cab of his truck. Then we walked into the house. I grabbed my water and offered him one, which he took. "I can sleep on the couch if you want me to." Barns said. "It's okay, I trust you. But only if you're comfortable sleeping in the same bed as me." I said feeling a little awkward and shy. "I trust you too." He said with a small smile. We walked up to my bedroom after I locked the front door. We climbed into bed and I turned off the bedside lamps. Once we were in darkness we said goodnight to each other. It didn't take me long to fall asleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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