Best Friends

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Me: Hey, can I come over?

Barns: Yeah, sure. You okay? I heard about the breakup.

Barns: I'm sorry about what they did to you. You deserve so much better!

Me: No, I'm not okay. I feel horrible. :(

Barns: Come over as soon as you can. If you wanna spend the night you can.

Me: Thanks. You're the greatest friend ever!

I packed an overnight bag and got everything I needed. Then I headed out. I ended up walking to Barns's place since we don't live far from each other. Plus, I figured that the walk would help clear my head. The sun was setting and would be dark soon. But I could still see perfectly fine at the moment. As I walked passed a few houses some dogs barked. The streets were very quiet, which was kinda surprising. Especially for the weekend.

Eventually I reached Barns's house and knocked on the front door. A few moments passed before he opened it. "Hey, come here." He said with a sympathetic look in his blue eyes. I walked inside and he closed the door behind me. Then he pulled me into a tight hug. I snuggled into his chest and held him tight as well. "Your ex is an idiot for cheating on you. They didn't deserve your love at all." He said softly, rubbing my back gently.

"You're very sweet, Barns. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." I replied. We hugged for a while before we went into the living room. We sat down and he let me vent to him about everything. He listened to every word and gave me comfort when I needed it. Eventually he ordered a pizza for us. We ate as we watched some movies. It was a unanimous decision to watch Halloween movies. Mostly because it's October. We cuddled in a plutonic way, which made me feel less alone.

The movie ended and I let our a long yawn. "Are you sleepy" Barns asked with a small smile. "Yeah." I replied with a little laugh. "Come on, we better get ready for bed." He said as he stood up. I slowly stood up and stretched a little. We said goodnight after he showed me to the guest room. I thanked him once again for being a great friend. Then I changed into my pajamas once I closed the door. I climbed into bed, but it took me a while to actually fall asleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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