Passing Notes | Part 5

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October quickly turned to November. I had already picked out a birthday present for him. I just hoped that he liked it. On top of the cd's, I got him a couple of band t-shirts. Plus a necklace I found at a local crystal shop. "What time did you say Barns's birthday party is?" My mom asked me curiously as I wrapped his presents. "Three o'clock, why?" I replied. "We'll have to leave in a few minutes to be there on time." She said. "Okay." I said. A few minutes passed as I finished wrapping the presents.

Then I got changed for the party. I knew that it would mostly consist of his family, but I didn't mind. After getting dressed I went downstairs to let my mom know I was ready. I had my overnight bag, because the plan was to spend the night. I was glad that they were okay with my staying at his home. Especially since he's a guy. But I guess that he made a good impression on them. I got into the passenger seat of the car. We listened to music as my mom drove. Eventually we reached Barns's home.

My mom walked in with me to meet his parents. I went into the living room while the adults talked. Barns and his brothers were playing Mario Kart. "Who's winning?" I asked as I walked over to them. "I am, obviously!" His youngest brother said with a smile. Barns and his other brother rolled thier eyes. Barns smiled at me and motioned for me to join them on the couch. I sat down next to him and watched the tv screen. Eventually the race ended; the youngest brother did end up winning.

His brothers left the room arguing. "Wow! Y/n, you didn't have to get my any presents. You just being here is enough." He said with a smile. His blue eyes had a soft look in them that made me feel warm inside. "I wanted to get you something though." I replied with a smile. "Thank you. You're so sweet." He said, giving me a side hug. I hugged him back. A few minutes later all four of us played video games. It was really fun and funny. They way him and his brothers carried on was comedy gold.

"Come and eat! I ordered pizzas for everyone." His dad yelled so we could hear. Luckily we had just finished a game. We walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. "What would you like to drink?" Barns asked as he showed me the various options. I decided on Orange soda, and he poured some in a cup for me. I thanked him as we filled out plates with slices of pizza. His parents ate with us and talked. They mostly asked about school, which was a little annoying.

None of us wanted to talk about school, but we had to. After eating we went back to playing video games. But his brothers went to thier rooms. Which left Barns and I alone. After an hour or so, it was time to have cake with ice cream. We all joined up in the kitchen again. After eating, Barns opened his presents. His parents got him a bunch of video games. Which is something I expected them to do. I was so glad I bought him music instead. He thanked them and gave them hugs. It was such a wholesome moment.

I got nervous when he started opening the ones I got him. But I breathed a sigh of relief when he got excited about everything. "Oh my god! I've been looking everywhere for these. How did you find them?" He asked as he looked at the cd's and t-shirts. "I got them at the mall the day we ran into each other." I replied with a smile. He smiled back and gasped softly when he saw the necklace. "This is beautiful." He said as he placed the necklace around his neck. "I'm really glad you like everything." I said happily.

"I don't like it, I love it!" He said smiling. We helped his parents clean up the kitchen. Then we went up to his room. We hung out and listened to the cd's I had gave to him. "Hey, do you want me to teach you how to skateboard?" He asked suddenly, which took me by surprise. "You don't have to today. It's your birthday." I said with a smile. "I know, but I want to. Come on, we can practice in the driveway." He said as he turned the music off. We put on our jackets and he grabbed his skateboard.

I followed him downstairs. He told his parents what we were going to do. They just told us to be safe. We walked outside and onto the concrete driveway. He showed me a few ways to keep my balance and do turns. Then he let me get on the skateboard. He stayed close to make sure I didn't fall. It was difficult, but I hadn't fallen or anything. I got a little too confident and slipped up. But he caught me, which made me blush a little. "Thanks for catching me." I said, feeling awkward.

"No problem. You should have seen my first time trying to skateboard." He said with a laugh. I smiled and he helped me skateboard a little longer. After a while we went back inside. His family decided to watch a movie, so we joined them. I sat next to Barns and smiled softly. I kept thinking about Halloween; when we cuddled watching horror movies. I wanted to cuddle with him again, but I didn't want to in front of his family. It would be so awkward and embarrassing.

So kept an acceptable distance apart as we watched the movie. After it ended he and I went up to his room. We played video games and listened to music. We stayed up late just talking about things. Some of the things were philosophical and others were random. I really enjoyed spending time with him. Even though he wasn't the best student he was very smart. And that hurt knowing teachers view him as a hopeless case.

But I had been helping him with his homework. So his grades have improved. I also noticed that he had stopped skipping class like he use to. And maybe that's because he didn't have a friend to before. He didn't have anyone to look forward to seeing each day. That thought made me want to be the greatest friend ever. I didn't wanna let him down, but I knew I couldn't be perfect. At three in the morning I slipped into the bathroom to change into my pajamas.

I put my sleeping bag on the floor on the other side of Barns's room. "Thank you for coming tonight, Y/n. I really appreciate your friendship." He said softly after he had turned the lights off. "I appreciate your friendship too, Barns. You're probably the bestest friend I've ever had." I said, and it was the truth. None of my other friends made me feel the way he did. When we told each other goodnight I could tell he got emotional. Just from how his voice sounded, and it made me feel emotional too.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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