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I looked around in my fridge and cupboards only to be disappointed. I let out a deep sigh as I glanced outside. The rain was pouring down from thick gray clouds. I didn't wanna go out in this weather, but I didn't have a choice. I was hungry and didn't have anything. If I knew this I would have gone out earlier when it wasn't raining. This is what I get when I rely on my roommate. Especially when they just left for a month vacation. I reluctantly put on my shoes and grabbed my umbrella. It was too hot to wear any kind of coat or jacket. I grabbed my keys and made sure I had my phone. Then I placed ice packs into the cooler backpack I use when I go shopping.

Once I was finished I put the backpack on and headed outside. I locked the door behind me and opened up my umbrella. I walked to the store because it wasn't too far from the apartment. It was still pouring down rain as I walked. The whole sidewalk was completely deserted. I didn't blame people for staying inside. If anyone was looking out of their windows they probably thought I was crazy. Eventually I reached the grocery store and grabbed a shopping cart. Making sure to fold up my umbrella before walking inside. I grabbed some produced and things to make soup. I placed bread, butter, eggs, and milk in my cart as well.

I picked out a few packets of instant ramen, instant oatmeal, cereal, etc. 'I hope I have enough room in my backpack for all of this' I thought as I turned down the frozen foods isle. I was a little surprised at what I saw. A man dressed in a white suit was standing there. It looked like he was trying to pick which frozen pizza to get. As I got closer I noticed that even the boots he had on were white. His platinum  blonde hair seemed to glow a little under the florescent lights. 'I wonder why he's dressed like that. Maybe he went to a wedding or some kind of thing.' I thought as I too looked at the frozen pizzas. But I knew I didn't have any room for them in my backpack. "Excuse me." I said politely as I opened the glass door. I grabbed a bag of pizza bites.

I could feel him looking at me and it made me feel awkward. When I turned I found the most beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. There was a gentleness in his gaze that I wasn't expecting. I took in his appearance a little more since he was so close. But he wasn't uncomfortably close. The suit he had on was embroidered with a floral pattern. His plump lips were painted red with lipstick. He had so many pearl necklaces on that it was hard to even count them. There was something so... captivating about him. "Hello." He said politely with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Hi. I like your outfit and your pearls." I replied shyly with a smile of my own.

His smile grew and my insides felt warm. The smile he had reached his eyes, making them sparkle a little. "Thank you." He said happily. I also noticed the roots of his hair were dark, so that meant he had dyed it; it looked curly and wavy too. A mother and a child started to walk down the frozen isle. As they passed she gave the man a sharp look. Hatred and loathing was in her eyes. I couldn't help but notice the tight grip she had onto her child's arm. It made me feel sad for the man next to me. 'People probably give him a hard time for the way he's dressed.' I thought. He moved as he placed something into his own cart. That's when I saw he had a lacy white shirt underneath his suit. It too had a floral pattern. A silver heart shaped necklace was slightly hidden in the mass of lace and pearls.

"What's your name?" I asked shyly. My heart was beating fast like it always does when I interact with strangers. "Barns," he said with another charming smile. "What's your name?" He asked curiously. All of his attention seemed to be on me, and it made me feel shyer than usual. "Y/n." I replied. "You have a pretty name." He said, and I felt myself blush a little. "Thanks." I said awkwardly. The two of us made small talk as we continued our shopping. We both got into the checkout line and people stared as we talked. They gave us strange looks with wide eyes. I paid for my things and then filled my backpack. That way it was easier to walk back home, especially since I had to hold an umbrella.

"I forgot an umbrella." I heard Barns say quietly as he looked out at the pouring rain. "We can share mine. I can walk you to your car." I said, offering to help him. "I don't have a car. I have to walk home, but it's okay. I've walked in worse weather." He said. "But... you'll ruin your nice suit." I said and he glanced at me with a small smile. He told me where he lived, which was a ways passed where my apartment was. I offered to let him stay at my place until it quit raining. I knew that it was a stupid thing to do after I had said it. But I didn't feel threatened by him; he didn't give me dangerous vibes. He gathered his shopping bags and we stepped outside. I opened my umbrella and we huddled underneath it as we walked. Being so close to him I could smell his cologne or shampoo or something. Either way, it smelled nice.

It felt strange actually enjoying someone being this close to me. We made small talk as we walked in the rain. Once we got to my apartment I unlocked the door. We just made it inside when the rain got worse. The rain was literally bouncing a foot off of the sidewalk and street. I made sure the door was locked and hung up my umbrella for it to dry. I also took my wet shoes off next to the door. He took his white boots off without me even asking him to do so. I was grateful for that. I didn't want water all over the carpet. "You can put some of your things in the fridge while we wait." I said as I walked into the kitchen. I didn't want any of his groceries to spoil. "Thanks." He said as he joined me.

We placed everything into the fridge. Then he helped me put my other groceries away, which was very kind of him; I told him so too. "There's no need to thank me, Y/n. You were kind enough to keep me dry." He said with a small smile that I returned. When everything was put away I asked if he was hungry. His stomach growled in response, which made us both laugh. He sat down at the small kitchen table as I started cooking. It was a little too late to make chicken noodle soup, so I opted for vegetable instead. We talked as I chopped onions, celery, carrots, garlic, etc. While it was cooking I made us a hot cup of tea and sat down at the table with him. Making sure to get up and stir the soup every not and then.

"I noticed the way those people looked and acted around you. I'm sorry you have to deal with that." I said after a few moments of comfortable silence. "I'm use to it. What I don't like is when jerks want to beat me up." He said it so casually and it made me sad. It made my soul hurt knowing that people were such ass holes. "Hey, you're safe with me... okay?" I kinda just said it without thinking, and I blushed a little. "I know. You have a kind soul, I sensed it when we met. You're safe with me too." He said with a soft expression on his face. Warmth filled his beautiful blue eyes. I felt so warm and fuzzy inside that I felt it in my bones. When the soup was ready I filled two bowls for us. As we ate I found myself looking at his eyes and lips a lot.

I couldn't help but to take in his appearance. He looked so... beautiful. After eating he helped me wash the dishes. He even helped me put the leftovers away too. I thanked him and then we sat down in the living room. A few moments passed before the rain started to slow down. Eventually it stopped, which kinda made me sad. Just because I knew that Barns would have to leave. But he stayed a little bit longer before he gathered his groceries. We walked over to the door as we said our goodbyes. "Could I have your number? It's just... I enjoyed talking to you." I said shyly and awkwardly. The anxiety from asking him that burned in my stomach.

"Sure." He said with a warm smile. I handed him my phone and he put his number in my contacts. He handed my phone back and I slipped it into my pocket. "Have this too." He said softly as he took off one of his pearl necklaces. He slowly and gently placed it over my head. His hand gently brushed my neck, making my heart skip a beat and butterflies fill my stomach. All of these feelings were so new and a little overwhelming, but in a good kinda way. "You didn't have to give me one of your necklaces." I said shyly. "It's okay. I just wanted to give you one cuz you said you liked my pearls." He said with a softly smile on his plump lips.

I thanked him and we said our goodbyes once again. I watched him walk up the street until he was out of sight. I closed the door and locked it, letting out a happy sigh as I played with the pearls around my neck.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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