First Concert

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A/N: Y/P = Your Pronoun(s).

"Thank god we chose to come during the fall. Remember when we came during summer?" My uncle said as my mom parked the car. "Yeah, I think almost died of heat stroke." His brother said. He technically wasn't exaggerating. It was hot as hell in the summer. I think ever amusement park is unbearable when it's hot. "It's been ages since we've been here. I wonder if they added any new stuff." My mom said. "They probably did." I replied. I was more excited to go to the Hershey factory more than anything else.

It's my aunt's first time at the park, so I hoped she liked it. We got out of the rented van, and stretched. We grabbed whatever bags and stuff we were taking in with us. I felt a little excited to see Hershey park again. I wasn't even sure how many years it had been since we visited. We got through the gates and security checked out bags. One of the officers complemented me on all of the pins on my bag. I thanked him and smiled. It really boosted my mood and confidence.

We handed over our tickets before officially entering the park. As we walked I glanced at a few posters. They were for upcoming shows at the Hershey stadium. Most of them were bands I weren't into or didn't know. But then my eyes landed on one that I did know and liked. "Holy shit!" I said out loud. "What is it?" My mom asked. My family walked over to the poster with me. When I saw when the concert was I couldn't contain myself.

"It's Barns Courtney! He's playing a show here tonight. We have to go see him!!" I said, practically buzzing with excitement. "Tonight? The tickets are probably already sold out." One of my uncles said. "No, there's still some tickets available." A slightly familiar voice said. When I turned around I gasped and placed my hand over my mouth. "No way! It's actually you." I said, feeling like my whole body was blushing. He was wearing an anime t-shirt under a red and black leather jacket. His new signature sunglasses were on as well.

He was smiling, obviously amused by my reaction. My uncles and aunt looked from him to the poster and back again. Thier eyes had gone wide in shock and surprise. "Can I get a picture with you?" I asked shyly. Trying not to freak out or be too weird. "Sure." He replied, still smiling. I gave my phone to my mom to take the picture. I thanked him for letting have a picture. I also thanked my mom for taking it. "You're so cool, and your music is amazing." I said, feeling nervous.

I was actually surprised that I was able to talk to him. Admittedly it was still kinda difficult to do so. I had an overwhelming feeling of nervous excitement. It felt as if it were swirling around in my stomach. "Aww, you're so sweet." He said with a smile. His words made me blush. "So... how much are the tickets to your show?" My aunt asked. I looked over and saw my uncles exchange a look. I knew what they were thinking and I died a little inside.

I knew they would joke about my reaction. They would never let me live it down. Barns told us how much the tickets were, and we said we would be at the show. I was so excited to finally see him live. "Do you mind if I actually tag along with you guys? It's my first time at the park." He said. We told him he could come with us, which made me even more excited. We showed him and my aunt around. Barns made us laugh with his wonderful humor. And I kinda fed off of his energy a little. 

"I love your bag. All of the pins are really cool." Barns said, noticing it. "Thanks." I replied with a smile and I blushed a little. I felt my uncles looking at me, but tried to ignore it. We rode a few rides together as well. After a while Barns had to leave, because he had rehearsal. But before he left he gave me his number. Just so I could let him know when we made it to the venue tonight. I instantly missed him after he left. I still had a good time with my family though.

While we we sat down to have lunch I sent Barns a text. Just so he knew my number.

Me: Hey, it's Y/N.

Barns: Hey! What are you up to?

Me: Eating lunch. What about you?

Barns: I'm having lunch too actually.

We texted back and forth for a while. I couldn't stop smiling the entire time. After a while he had to go and so did I. "We're you texting your boyfriend?" My uncles asked. "I don't have a boyfriend." I replied, rolling my eyes. We then went on exploring the amusement park.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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