First Concert | Part 4

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I was with my mom at the grocery store shopping when my phone buzzed. I figured it was one of my online friends. When I checked to see who it was, I felt so excited. It was text message from Barns. It had been a couple of months since we saw him in concert. He and I messaged each other every now and then, but not a lot. So I was happy when I saw that he texted me.

Barns: Hey! How have you been?

Me: I've been good.

Me: How are you?

Barns: I'm doing well. Tired from tour, but I love it!!

Barns: Speaking of tour... I was wondering if you'd like to come see me perform again?

Me: Omg! I would love to!

Barns: Nice! I'll reserve two tickets for you.

The two of us texted while I walked around the store with my mom. "Who are you texting?" She asked curiously. "Barns." I replied with a smile. "Really?" She asked, surprised. "Yeah." I said with a small laugh. I told her that Barns had invited me to see him in concert again. Obviously my mom said she would come along, especially since Barns was saving two tickets for us.

Me: We'll be there if nothing else comes up.

Barns: Okay. I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

Me: I'm looking forward to seeing you too. :)

We talked for a little while longer before he got busy. My mom and I finished our shopping. I couldn't prevent the smile that was on my face. A few people looked at me strangely, but I didn't care. I was happy.

• • •

A few weeks passed before my mom and I flew out to Seattle. It was our first time flying on a plane. It was kinda stressful, but at least I had music to listen to. And my mom worked on a seek and find book. It was hard to believe that millions of people travel that way every day. But I guess after a while you get use to it. When we checked into our hotel, I went to my room and collapsed on my bed. I was worn out from the stress and anxiety.

My phone buzzed, taking me out of my thoughts. When I saw it was Barns I smiled like an idiot.

Barns: Hey, have you made it to Seattle yet?

Me: Yeah. My mom and I just made it to our hotel rooms.

Barns: I'm glad you made it here safely.

Barns: How was your trip?

Me: Thanks.

Me: It was stressful, but okay.

Barns: I'm sorry it was stressful. I was stressed the first time I ever flew in an airplane.

Me: Hopefully I'll be able to get use to it. I really wanna travel more one day.

Barns: It'll take a while, but I'm sure you'll get use to it.

I sat up and took a drink of my water that I bought earlier. I really wanted coffee, but I didn't wanna order room service.

Barns: I can stop by later this evening and take you two to dinner.

Barns: Only if you're up to it for course. I know you're probably a little jetlagged.

Me: I would love that. Although I might have to consume a lot of coffee. Lol

Barns: That's not a problem. I'll get you as much coffee as you need. Lol

He and I texted for a while until he had to go do a few things. I eventually got enough energy to unpack a little. My mom came to my room, which was just down the hall a little from hers. "Do you wanna get something for lunch?" She asked after I left her in. "Yeah, sure." I replied. I told her about Barns taking us to dinner tonight. "That's very nice of him. He's so kind for a rockstar." She said as I locked my room door.

I agreed with her. I was so glad that he's such a kind person. That the rockstar life hadn't turned him into a toxic person. When we got down to the lobby my mom spoke to one of the employees. Asking them if they had any recommendations for a place to eat lunch. Luckily they were kind and mentioned a few places to eat. Especially after we said we were out of town. We stood and had a little conversation with them before leaving.

The two of us ended up going to a little cafe not too far from the hotel. It was kinda cozy even though it was a little busy. We looked at a menu before ordering what we wanted. My mom got a sandwich with soup and an iced tea. I ordered a sandwich with a salad and an iced coffee. As we ate we talked about the places we wanted to visit. After lunch we went to a nearby shop where we looked around. We ended up buying a few things. I found some sunglass and a couple souvenirs.

Then we went to the hotel room to relax before tonight. Neither one of us wanted to be sleepy when we went to dinner. Especially since we were going to be with Barns. So I ended up taking a nap, and I'm sure my mom did too. The sound of someone knocking on my door woke me up. I rubbed sleep from my eyes and checked the time. It was four o'clock and I figured it was my mom checking on me. I got up and walked over to the door.

When I looked through the peephole I smiled happily. I opened the door and invited Barns inside. "I wasn't expecting you until later." I said, still smiling. "I know. I just couldn't wait any longer to see you. Oh, here." He said as he handed me a drink holder with four cups of coffee. "Thanks." I laughed as I took it and sat it on a new by tabe. "I wanna make sure your caffeinated for tonight." He said smiling. We talked about how the tour had been going as we drank coffee.

I insisted on sharing the coffees with him. Especially since he has been so kind to me. He asked me about how my life had been going as well. My stories were way more boring than his were. But he seemed interested in what I had to say regardless. Eventually we left my room and went to get my mom. She was surprised to see the both of us. Apparently she lost track of time. So we waited until she was ready before heading out.

Barns picked the restaurant, and I was glad it wasn't a fancy one. A waiter lead us to a table and handed us menus to look at. After ordering our drinks, the waiter left. My mom talked about the first time we saw him in concert. "My uncles and aunt are going to be very jealous that we're here with you." I said with a smile, and my mom agreed. I was so looking forward to tomorrow. Even if I had seen him perform before.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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