Nature Boy

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It was such a beautiful day, so I decided to go on a walk. I wanted to enjoy the comfortably warm and sunny weather. A few fluffy white clouds were floating in the bright blue sky. I decided to take a lonely woodland path. I had walked it many times before, and it has became my favorite. Not many people know about it. When most parks and trails are packed with people, this one is usually empty. So I was surprised when I saw another person a little ways ahead of me.

It looked as if he had stopped to admire the plants nearby. When I got closer he glanced over at me. He had brown curly hair and was wearing round sunglasses. They looked as if they were bluish green tinted. He was wearing a black leather jacket; A white button down with black pinstripes underneath. "It's a lovely day isn't it?" I asked, not wanting to seem rude. "It is." He replied in a charming sounding voice. "What's your name? I haven't seen you around these parts before." He said after a moment of comfortable silence.

"I'm Y/n." I replied shyly. "That's a beautiful name. I'm Barnaby, but you may call me Barns." He replied, which made me smile. I never met anyone with a unique name as his. "It's nice to meet you Barns." I said as I reached out to shake his hand. He took my hand and shook it slightly. "It's nice to meet you too. Is it alright if I join you on your walk?" He said, and I told him it was okay. I wondered how long he has walked this trail before.

If he comes here often then we probably just met by chance today. Especially since I come to this trail often too. As we walked we talked of many things. He seemed very wise and full of wisdom. We reached a shadowy part of the trail, and he took his sunglasses off. I saw that he pretty blue eyes, but they looked so sad. I couldn't help but wonder why, but I didn't say anything. I didn't want to offend him or something. Especially since I was enjoying his company.

Halfway down the trail he sat down on a fallen log. He looked up at me and motioned for me to join him. I sat down on the log next to him, and soaked everything in. The light breeze felt pleasingly cool and refreshing. Birds were singing beautiful musical tunes from all around us. If you watched carefully you could see a squirrel scurrying in the undergrowth. It was like all other things in the world didn't exist. Like time had kind of stood still.

"Give me your hand." He said, breaking the comfortable silence. "What?" I asked, taken aback. I looked over and he had a bag of what looked like bird seed. "Open your hand." He said with a soft look in his blue eyes. I did as he said and he put a little birdseed into my hand. He put some in his hand, and we waited. We kept as still as we could. A few minutes passed before a bird landed in his hand. The bird pecked at the seeds on his hand. A moment later another bird joined the first one.

I was shocked when a bird came to eat the seed from my hand. I slowly glanced over at Barns to find him already looking at me. There was a small smile playing at the corners of his plump lips. We stayed quiet until the birds were finished and flew away. "I've never done that before. It felt... magical." I said with a smile, and he smiled back. "Most people I meet aren't capable of doing that. But I knew you had it in you." He said, and I wondered what he meant.

He stood up and wiped his hands on his pants. I did the same before we continued walking. We kept talking until we were almost back at my home. He stopped, so I stopped as well. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return." He said with a small smile as he put his sunglasses back on. "I hope to pass your way again. I really enjoyed your company." He said before he turned and walked back in the direction we came from. I stood there and watched as he disappeared out of view.

I hoped that we would cross paths again. He was probably the most interesting person I've ever met. I continued walking home and made myself a cup of tea. As I sat on the front porch all I couldn't stop thinking about Barns. I didn't know him well, but I hoped that I could have the opportunity to. I guessed that I would be going on walks a lot more often than I already do. I quickly grabbed my sketchbook to draw him. I didn't want to forget him in case I never saw him again.

Once I was finished, my neighbor and friend walked into the porch. We said hellos and she glanced at my sketchbook. "Who is that?" She asked curiously. "Nature Boy is what I'm calling it." I said. I don't know why, but the title Nature Boy fit him very well. "He seems like a very strange and enchanted being. He is handsome though." She said before sitting down in a chair next to me. Her and I talked, but all I could think about was him.

A/N: This One-Shot is inspired by the song 'Nature Boy' by Nat King Cole. (To me Barns gives off nature boy vibes) Listen to the song if you want to.

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