Cult Leader

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My arms were getting tired and my feet were starting to feel sore. I was carrying two travel bags of clothes with a backpack on my back. A car slowed down a little as it passed me, but it didn't stop. I wasn't exactly sure where I was heading, but I knew I had to get away. I couldn't take it anymore. I knew I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. If I stayed in that environment I'm not sure how things would end. Just thinking about it stressed me out and gave me anxiety. My eyes welled up with tears, but I fought them back. I didn't wanna have blurry vision while I was walking alongside a road. Even though I was starting to feel tired I kept walking.

After a while I noticed that it was starting to get darker outside. I checked my cellphone to see what time it was. 4:45pm was on my lock screen. 'I better find a place to spend the night. Or at least attempt to hitchhike so I can get somewhere faster.' I thought as I kept walking. I didn't wanna call anyone because I knew they would take me back home; a place I didn't wanna be. I walked further up the road when I spotted a sign near a side road. When I got closer I stopped to read it. The sign was white and the lettering was red. It wasn't the most eye catching sign, but it caught my attention.

"Feeling lost or forgotten?

Join our safe and nurturing community today!

We will guide and uplift you on your journey to improve your wellbeing.

Join today and build a better future!"

I read the sign a few times. After a while I decided to go looking for thier offices. I hoped that they were still open. I didn't intend on joining thier community, I just needed a place to sleep. I turned onto the road and walked for a while. Luckily the road was paved. I didn't want chunky gravel hurting my feet more than they already did. Eventually I walked up upon several buildings. All of them were kinda built like cabins for a summer camp or something. Except, it wasn't summer anymore. On one of the buildings there was a sign that said Office in white lettering. 'I could start there. Maybe someone will be inside that could help me.' I thought inside of my head.

Light from within the building shown through the glass doors. I grabbed the metal handle and slowly pulled the door open. As I walked in I spotted a woman sitting at the front desk. She had light brown hair and a round face. "Um, excuse me. I'm... I'm looking for some help." I said awkwardly. The woman looked up at me with bright green eyes. "How can I help you? Would you like to join our lovely community?" She asked with a sickly sweet smile on her face. "No, but I was hoping I could possibly spend the night here. It's just... I'm on foot and there aren't any hotels nearby." I said, feeling a little anxious. "Of course. We have a strict policy not to turn away anyone in need. Here, just full out these forms." She said as she handed me some papers that were on a clipboard.

She pointed at a cup full of pens. "Just take one of those. You can keep it when you're finished." She said. I took one before walking over to a nearby chair. I read the forms carefully before filling them out. When I was finished I walked back up to the desk and handed them to her, pocketing the pen I had used. "Thanks. Let me look these over and I'll be right with you. Just have a seat while you wait." She said. That sickly sweet smile still on her face. That overly kind tone in her voice. I felt like I was at a doctors office or something. I looked around the room as I sat and waited. There were a few posters on the wall. They were those "inspirational" ones you would often see plastered on the walls of school hallways.

But there were a few other posters that looked homemade. Perhaps the community leaders/officials had made them it something. One was of a man with platinum blonde hair. He was wearing a white suit that had a floral embroidered pattern on it. Red text was scrawled over it and said:

"Size your power and make your own path in life!

With hard work you could be like me!"

It felt like hours has passed as I sat there. In reality it was probably no longer than ten minutes or so. "Okay, I've got a room all set up for you tonight." The lady said and I walked over to her desk. "This is your key and the basic rules of this community. Please stay as long as you like." She said as I took the key and sheet of paper from her. "Thanks. I really appreciate it." I replied. Someone from the back came out wearing a uniform someone at a hotel might wear. "Y/n, I'll lead you to your cabin. Have you had anything to eat recently? If not we would be delighted to make you something." He said as I followed him out of the office. He was at least six feet tall and had a ginger beard. As we walked outside I couldn't help but notice the moonlight refecting off of his bald head. I mentioned that I hadn't had anything to eat. I did have sandwiches in my backpack, but I really wanted something hot to eat to warm me up.

"What would you like? We can make anything you want." He said as we kept walking down well lit and paved paths. "Vegetable soup and a grilled cheese sandwich would be nice." I replied. He grabbed his cellphone and texted someone. I wondered if he was making an order for my food. Eventually we reached my cabin, which was number 17. 'How many cabins do they have here?' I said inside of my head. "My name is Nick. If you need anything, just call this number." He said as he handed me what looked like a business card. I thanked him before he left and I unlocked the cabin door. I was surprised at what I saw when I turned the lights on. It was just like a house. There was a living room, bathroom, and bedroom. The only thing missing was a kitchen. Although it did have a fridge and a microwave.

I sat my things down and sat on the surprisingly comfortable couch. I took my shoes and socks off to slip on my flip flops. My feet thanked me as I did so as well. After a while there was a knock at the door and I got up to answer it. Nick was there with the food I had asked for. I thanked him before he left one last time. I sat down on the couch and enjoyed the hot soup, grilled cheese, and hot tea I was given. I didn't ask for tea, but I was thankful for it nonetheless. A few minutes after eating I started feeling drowsy. 'I guess I was more tired than I thought.' I said to myself. So I got up and changed into a pair of pajamas I had packed. I walked into the bedroom and as soon as my head touched the pillow, I fell into a deep sleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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