Chapter 34 - How many best days can one girl have?

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Yes, I know it's been forever! I'm so sorry guys! Updates will be slow as I don't have much time to write, but I hope you still enjoy them! 

Chapter 34 - How many best days can one girl have?

Shays POV

Oh yay, another group date, where all seven of us will be together; unfortunately for Holly, who got sent home last week, it was down to me, Liz, Paige, Kassi, Tori, Anna, and Samantawhore. The thought of spending the next 4 - 6 hours in the presence of that deceiving little troll had a migraine working its way into my brain and I hadn't even laid eyes on her yet; as well as I managed avoiding her most of the time, it was impossible when Cale scheduled group dates like this. You would think after multiple catastrophes he would eventually learn his lesson about putting Sam and I together; although, as blind as he has been to Sam's true colors this whole time, I'm starting to question his sanity in general. I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head as the click of the bathroom door indicated Liz was done getting ready; I gave my friend a quick once over before we both started busting out laughing.

"Get the fuck out of here," I choked out between laughs as I raised myself off the bed and we both did a little twirl.

We had on the exact same dress, same brand, same style and surprisingly the same color! While normally Liz's wardrobe consisted of mute, natural colors - mainly browns and tans, while mine consisted of mostly whites, blacks and silvers; today however, we were both sporting super cute, sage-green, spaghetti strap sundresses. The tops were cut low and well fitted while the bottoms billowed out in soft waves that swished gently with every move of our hips; even the strappy black sandals we both choose were pretty similar. Liz had her hair pinned back into an elegant, yet cute bun, I had mine down with just the front few strands pinned back in the middle; our make-up was light as always, but Liz went a little bolder with her deep red lipstick, where I stuck to my standard nude lip gloss.

"I can't wait to raid your closet someday," a sly smile crept onto Liz's lips as she said the words; we both decided not to change and go in our unintentionally matching outfits.

"Same," I agreed as we headed out the door together for our group date.

The limo ride was shorter than normal, and I recognized the mansion we pulled up in front of before we even got out of the car; the sweet scent from the path of rose's hitting my nose the moment the door was opened. My nerves kicked up a bit when I realized that this probably meant that we would all be meeting the Royal Family today; I found myself wising that I had worn something a little more elegant but looking around at the other girls in their similar dresses, made me feel a little better.

Once we were all out of the limo, the driver came around the side and asked us to follow him to the front door, as some of the other girls gushed about how beautiful the roses are I couldn't help but be gloat a little internally, knowing that I had been there before, and they hadn't. At least everyone except Sam, who, after glancing over my shoulder, was currently shooting daggers at my back; I tried not to linger on the fact that she had not only been here before, but she spent the night too. Pushing those thoughts aside, I straightened my shoulders as got to the front door. When the doors opened, we took in the crowd in front of us, and all previous thoughts were forgotten; I locked eyes with the all too familiar green ones almost instantly, eyes that I felt like I hadn't seen in a lifetime.

"Dad!" I yelled, forgetting my manners and practically pushing innocent bystanders out of my way in my rush to get into his arms. His strong arms engulfed me, and my feet left the ground as he pulled me into a tight bear hug; his familiar scent flooding my senses and a calm I haven't felt in forever taking over my body.

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