Chapter Thirteen - Going Wolf

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Chapter Thirteen – Going Wolf


Shay’s POV


“Shit, shit, shit! Let’s get you to the hospital.” Tony said pacing back and forth in front of me nervously.

“It’s fine Tony; I just need you to reset it.” I finally found my voice and fighting off the pain my mind started working out what needed to be done; I really hated hospitals not to mention if I went then Cale was sure to find out about it and want an explanation.

“I can’t do that, I don’t know how. Fuck, my brother is going to kill me! I’m so sorry Shay, I didn’t mean for that to happen.” I could tell that Tony was worried about what Cale was going to say or do when he found out and honestly I wasn’t sure how he would react; I knew it was best to just not tell him and hide the broken arm, it would be healed in a few days and as long as I stayed away from Cale until then there was no need for him to find out about it.

“It’s fine Tony, it wasn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have tried to block that kick. I just need you to reset the bone and we can splint it; Cale doesn’t need to know what happened.” Tony looked a little shocked at my words but before he could respond a new voice came from behind me.

“Cale doesn’t need to know what?” The voice was so similar to Cale that I almost thought it was him at first; if it wasn’t for the scent being different and the look of relief that washed over Tony’s face I wouldn’t have known it wasn’t him until I turned around.

“Do you know how to reset a bone?” Tony asked the newcomer.

“Yeah, why?” He asked back as I turned around to face him for the first time since he arrived; he looked almost identical to Cale with just a few small differences in his shape and size, I knew without a doubt that it had to be the other brother that I hadn’t met yet.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me! Really Tony, out of all people you could have been sparring with you pick her?” The new brother asked in disbelief; I felt a little pissed at the way he referred to me. Had to pick her; what the hell was that supposed to mean?

“Look she’s a good fighter and we were just sparring, and she went to block a kick…” Tony started rambling on about what happened.

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