Chapter Six - Let the games begin (Week one)

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Chapter Six - Let the games begin (Week one)

Shay’s POV


          Monday morning I woke up to the smell of someone cooking bacon; my mouth was already watering before I even made it out of bed and slipped on my robe. I sniffed the air as I crept out of the room trying not to wake up Liz or Paige and followed the heavenly scent into the kitchen; once I entered the room I found a man and woman whipping up an array of delicious foods, everything from bacon to pancakes to French toast. Yes this must be heaven; I have died and gone to heaven!

“Good morning miss; feel free to help yourself.” The older guy that was manning the stove said when he turned around and spotted me in the doorway; I didn’t hesitate in grabbing a plate and piling it full of everything there was to offer.

“Oh my god!” I mumbled out through a mouth full of food. “This is amazing!” I moaned as I filled my mouth with another fork full; the cooks both chuckled in unison at my reaction.

“We’re glad you like it miss.” The female said; she was older too like the man with short graying hair that was pulled back in a tight bun.

“Can I keep you, like forever?” I asked; I have had a lot of good food in my lifetime but this food, this just took the cake; it was absolutely delectable, just mouth-watering deliciousness!

“You can have us three times a day miss.” The man replied with a laugh turning to wink at me.

“Deal! And you can call me Shay.” Three times a day I get to enjoy their master creations; maybe staying here for a week wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

“I’m Annie and this is Kurt.” The woman said motioning to herself and the man as she said their names.

“Well Annie and Kurt you two are officially my favorite people!” I said with a smile before taking another bite and letting out a satisfied moan.

“Hey what about me?” Liz’s voice came from behind me and I spun around on the stool to face her before answering.

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