Chapter Eleven - Taking Chances (Week Three)

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Chapter Eleven – Taking Chances (Week Three)


Cale’s POV

          By the time Sunday rolled around I had already picked out the two girls that I would send home and called them into the room to let them go first; even though I really wasn’t attached to any of the girls yet, it was still hard to let them go. The way that their eyes automatically brimmed with tears and the looks of hurt that crossed their features really took a toll on me; I never wanted to hurt any of them but it was all part of the process and I knew that I had to let all but one go eventually. After letting the two girls go I decided to call Shay in next; I could only hope that she wouldn’t put up a fight about me wanting her to stay this time. After the time we spent together on Wednesday and finally getting her to open up a little there was no way that I could let her go home now; not when I was just getting a chance to get to know her.

“Hey.” Shay said breaking me out of my thoughts as she walked through the door.

“Hey Shay.” I replied with a smile as I motioned for her to take a seat next to me; not surprisingly she opted for the couch opposite of me like she did the first time I called her into this room.

“So what’s the verdict?” She asked getting straight to the point.

“I never got a chance to ask you, did you have a good time at the beach?” I asked avoiding her question and attempting a little small talk to hopefully loosen her up a little.

“It was… I had a good time.” She answered seemingly changing her answer mid-sentence.

“That’s good; I had a good time too.” I replied as a thick silence fell in the room; I could see she was about to say something to break the silence and not wanting her to push me to tell her my decision yet I spoke up again before she had the chance.

“What about Wednesday, did you have a good time then too?” I inquired about the morning we spent together at the little pond.

“Yeah, it was nice to get to know you a little better and jumping off that cliff was amazing.” The smile that crossed her lips had left me speechless as I just stared at her and let her words sink in for a few moments; I was surprised and delighted to find that she really did enjoy the time we had spent together as much as I did.

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