Chapter Two - Touché

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Chapter Two - Touché



Shay’s POV


“I’m going to miss you so much when you leave.” Ali said with a frown plastered across her face.

“Would you stop with that already? I’m not going to be picked!” I growled back at her for what felt like the tenth time today; she just wouldn’t give up on the thought that I would be picked to go into The Ringing.

“Yes you will, look at you Shay you’re gorgeous; perfect body, perfect hair, stunning green eyes, let’s face it; you’re every man’s dream.” She gushed.

“There are thousands of Alpha females out there for him to choose from Ali, I’m sure that there is plenty of women better looking than me.”

“I highly doubt that; have you looked in the mirror lately? Besides if your looks alone don’t win him over your charming personality will be sure to do it for you.” She smirked before ducking to miss my hand that was aimed at the back of her head; god she could be crazy sometimes.

“By charming you mean bitchy, rude, and short tempered, right?” I asked with a grin of my own knowing that I was telling the truth about what my personality reflected a majority of the time.

“Exactly! Who wouldn’t love that?” She chirped before we both broke out laughing.

“I think you’re the only one stupid enough to love that.” I added once we stopped laughing.

“You’re right, I shouldn’t be worried that the handsome Prince will come and sweep you off your feet but if you do end up being a Cinderella I have dibs on being your fairy godmother.”

“First of all I would be more like Cinderhella not Cinderella and secondly aren’t you a little young to be my fairy godmother?”

“I’m old in wisdom, young at heart.” She replied before breaking off into an off key tune. “Cinderhella, Cinderhella, night and day…”

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