Chapter Seven - Game Plan

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Chapter Seven - Game Plan


Cale’s POV


          The rest of the night I couldn’t get what Shay had said out of my mind; she was right I was picking the future Queen and some of these girls just weren’t going to cut the mustard. Although werewolf law could easily be taught and I knew that most of the girls had the ability to learn and hold the information it would be convenient not to have to teach them; at this point there was only ten girls that were still holding my interest, three of which were on the date with me tonight.

          I planned on waiting until Sunday to give any of the girls their charms to let them know they would be sticking around for a while but at the same time I had only taken one charm with me tonight, the charm I picked out for Shay. I knew that if I didn’t get her to open up to me so that I could see who she was really hiding behind her hard exterior I was going to keep her around and see if I could break through it; at the same time a part of me told me that she really didn’t want to be here and dragging her along wasn’t the right thing to do. I just couldn’t let go of her though, not yet at least; there was some type of pull I had to her and I wanted to find out what was causing it.

          As the girls sat around the table making small talk I did my best to focus on the conversations but my attention continued to be distracted by the girl in the black and silver dress; I give her props, for as much as she claimed she didn’t want to be here and despised all the other girls she was doing her best to stay civil and even put in her two cents on a few of the topics brought up. She mostly kept to herself if she wasn’t talking to me or Liz but she seemed to be getting more comfortable as the night went on. Liz was a great girl too and Shay was right, she was smart; not only that but she presented herself well, nothing about her seemed fake and she is a genuinely nice person.

          As long as Shay had Liz around I don’t think that keeping her was as much torture for her as I had originally thought it would be; part of me envied the fact that she could be so open and comfortable with Liz when she wasn’t like that around me. Liz was in the top three of my choices so far and as much as I wanted to include Shay in that category too I just couldn’t, not yet at least; I needed her to let go, I needed her to show me what she was really like before I could move her name up higher on the list. I didn’t know what to do to get her to open up though, I had never been faced with someone as closed off and stubborn as her before; as a Royal I’m generally liked by everyone, I have never had to try to gain someone’s attention it has always just been given to me willingly.

          After walking the girls to the limo and parting ways I headed back home for the night; I had to figure out who I would be taking on the single date tomorrow and try to sort out some of my feelings for the other girls. I already had more than five girls that I was willing to send home on Sunday so I needed to narrow it down and see who I thought would be worth giving another shot. Walking in the house I was going to head straight to my room but the sound of the TV from the living room caught my attention and I headed there instead to see who it was that was still up; it was just past midnight so I could only assume it was one of my brothers and not my parents.

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