Chapter Seventeen - A Whole New Ball Game

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Chapter Seventeen – A Whole New Ball Game

Cale’s POV

          The night was going great so far; I did a good job at separating the girls into the right groups and everyone seemed to be getting along better than I thought possible. Last night’s date was the complete opposite, all the girls were competing for my attention and it was like being thrown in the middle of a bunch of angry alley cats fighting over a single chicken wing on the dance floor; tonight all the girls were respectful and gave each other space, it was honestly refreshing. It was the first group date where I got time alone with each girl there and the others were respectful enough to allow us to have space and dance with each other.

          Everything was going fine until I noticed that Shay had disappeared and spotted her grinding against some human guy on the dance floor; it was shocking at first, I actually had to blink a few times to make sure I was really seeing what I thought I was seeing. As far as I knew Shay and I were on good terms, she was starting to open up and it seemed like she was willing to stay and give this whole thing a chance. What happened to make that change? What was she thinking dancing with another man like that?

          I can’t really explain what I was feeling the moment I saw her dancing with that scumbag; complete rage, I guess, it gave a whole new meaning to the saying ‘seeing red’. I didn’t even stop to think before my legs were moving me across the dance floor and ripping her out of that guys hold; my mind was going in circles as I dragged her outside and I couldn’t manage to even complete a full coherent sentence. When she started yelling about wanting to go home and how she wanted to make it clear that she didn’t want to be here I had half a mind to just cover her mouth with my hand so that she would shut up; I knew that she didn’t want to be here but that didn’t change the fact that I wanted her to stay.

          I couldn’t let her go yet, I needed her to stay and I needed to get to know her better; I know I’ve been over this a million times but there was just something about her that I wasn’t willing to let go of. When she asked me why and I couldn’t come up with a logical explanation I did the only thing I could think of, I kissed her. And god did it feel good, it felt so right, like her lips were made for me; we blended together perfectly and I never wanted that moment to end. I know I probably sound like some love sick puppy dog or something but I have never kissed someone and it had feel as right as it did the moment I kissed Shay. When she pushed me away I felt rejected, hurt and pissed off all at the same time; did she not feel what I felt the moment our lips connected? She had to feel the connection, the pull; there was no way that was a one way feeling!

          When the tears started to fall down her beautiful face I wanted to regret kissing her, but at the same time I couldn’t; I wouldn’t take it back even if I could, kissing her felt right, it felt good beyond belief. I wanted to stop her from running away but the way that she pleaded with her eyes and words told me that letting her go was the right thing to do at the time; I would have to talk to her later and explain things, explain why I kissed her and why I couldn’t let her go. The only problem with that is that I didn’t really know why; I could tell her that I had some type of feelings for her and that there was something between us that I couldn’t let go of, but would that be enough? How was I going to explain my feelings toward her when I couldn’t even explain them to myself?

          I didn’t want her walking alone in town back to the house, not to mention it was a good twenty minute walk back from the club so I mind linked my brothers to see if either one of them were close and could pick her up; I was surprised when it was Joey that got back to me and said he was in the area and would go find her for me. I almost wanted to tell him no and wait for Tony to make the drive over so that he could pick her up, but I didn’t want Shay to be left alone in a town that she didn’t know, especially in the mental state that she left in. After giving Joey a good three minutes worth of warnings not to touch her or even talk to her if he could help it I finally agreed to allow him to pick her up; a few minutes later he let me know that he found her and convinced her to let him give her a ride.

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