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I skipped lunch, opting instead to enjoy the small ounce of serenity my little escape pond had to offer me; by the time I made it back to the house my stomach was growling at the scent of the food being prepared in the kitchen. I took the steps two at a time, wanting nothing more than a quick shower and a good meal; I had finally come to terms with my feelings for Cale after spending hours sunbathing on the rock formation and gazing over the cliff edge at the calm water below. I do love Cale, I can finally admit that to myself; although I also came to the determination that I'm not truly in-love with him yet, if that even makes any sense at all. Bottom line is, I care for him deeply – more than I probably should, given my current situation; but if things didn't work out, if he didn't pick me in the end, it wouldn't be the end of the world. I could get over him, if I had to; part of me really hoped that I wouldn't have to, yet another part of me still wondered if I was ready for the responsibility that would come hand in hand with winning this thing. I pushed open the door to the bedroom I still shared with Liz, my mind focused only on the shower and food that awaited me; like most things in my life, it wasn't going to be easy to achieve those goals, as Liz practically pounced on me the moment the door closed behind me.

"You are not going to believe this shit! She whisper-yelled, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to the bed. "Where have you been anyways, I've been searching for you all afternoon?" I took a deep breath and allowed my slightly sweat covered body to fall back on the mattress, as I debated just how much I was willing to tell my friend about the events of the morning.

"I was out at that little pond I told you about, I had a lot on my mind and needed a place to think for a while." I was going to continue and tell her about what I saw this morning, but she beat me to the punch and immediately started on a story of her own; if I knew anything about Liz it was that she put everyone else's feelings before her own, so I knew whatever it was that she had to say, had to be important.

"We'll get back to that, I promise, but first you have to hear this," She announced, standing from the bed as she started to pace the room; I propped myself up on my elbows with my eyebrows raised waiting for her to continue. This had to be good, if she's gotten herself this worked up about it.

"That skanky little bitch comes strolling in this morning, all smiles and beaming like a ray of freaking sunlight," She didn't have to clarify who 'that skanky little bitch' was, there was only one person who Liz would go as far as calling a name like that; the same little bitch that was the cause for my mini-breakdown this morning.

"She fucking spent the night with Cale last night, can you believe that? Not only that but she claims that they had the best night together ever!" Her tone took on a slight sneer and the edges of my lips pulled up at seeing her this pissed off at Sam; my attention stayed glued to her as I waited for the next bit of information, hoping that she would have some answers to the questions I had been asking myself all day.

"So she goes on and on about how Cale held her all night and the crazy make-out sessions they had; blah, blah, fucking blah; she was bragging about how great of a kisser he was and how he knew all the right places to touch her," Liz made a gagging sound and as much as I wanted to laugh about it, the fact that Cale had touched Sam in those ways had a tight ball forming in my stomach and the thought of actually gagging crossed my mind.

"Like any of us want to hear about that! I could smell his scent all over her, the other girls could too, so I almost wanted to believe her; but there was only traces of arousal, and only hers, not Cales, so we all knew that she was a lying bitch, not that we were surprised!" Liz was talking so fast that it was hard to keep up, but the fact that she stated she couldn't smell sex on her wasn't lost on my part; at least I could clear my mind of one thing that had been bothering me, it still didn't make me feel any better about them making out, but I guess it was to be expected that Cale would want to at least get a little taste of the goods that might be his future.

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