Chapter Twenty

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*A/N – I know that I normally update on Mondays and I missed last Monday but my life is hectic right now and I have so much going on that I can’t find any time to write. I will still try for updates on Monday but cannot guarantee anything, please check my profile page for more information on updates if you don’t see one at the normal time. Thanks. P.S. This chapter may be a little spotty because I literally would just write a sentence or two when I had a few minutes free (yes, that’s how crazy my life has been lately). *


**Photo of new charm to the side**


Chapter Twenty

Cale’s POV


          I took the time to talk with Paige and Tori when we had our single dates on Thursday and Friday; both girls seemed to be genuinely interested in me and more than willing to stay in the competition. I had made up my mind after talking with my mother that I needed to start sorting out my feelings for each girl and decide who was really here for the right reasons and who I could actually see myself spending the rest of my life with. So far I know that I will be keeping Tori and Paige around for a while but I would have to wait to talk to the other girls to see who else would be included in that list; at the moment I was hoping for Sam, Liz, Shay and Kassi, but I would need to have a one on one talk with each of them to make sure that the feelings are mutual. After Sunday there will still be ten girls left in the running, but the six that I mentioned are really the only ones that hold my interest still; I wish that I could just eliminate all five of the other girls Sunday but I have to follow the rules and only let go of one per week from here on out.

          Now that I had a better idea of who I was and wasn’t interested in it would make the next few weeks easier for eliminations but it will still be hard to choose when I got down to the final six. I’m pretty confident that Sam, Liz and Kassi have the same feelings towards me as I have for them, the only person I’m really worried about not feeling the same way is Shay. Shay confuses the shit out of me sometimes; one minute I feel like she wants to be here and likes me the way I like her and the next minute I feel like she wants to be as far away from me and this competition as she can get. There are moments where I feel like we really have a deep connection with each other and moments where I feel like we couldn’t be further apart. As much as I want her to stay and want to take the time to get to know her more, I wish that she would just make up her damn mind already and stop throwing me mixed signals; I really want her to stay but if she can’t make up her mind to be committed to being part of the competition I’m going to have to let her go.

          Thinking about Shay makes me want to get the answers that I’m searching for from her right away; the waiting is just killing me and making me feel crazy. Knowing that she spends most of her Saturdays at the pond I decided to go for a quick run and see if I could catch her there; as I got closer to the cliff edge and her scent got stronger my nerves started to kick up. Did I really want to know if she wanted to stay or not; was I really ready for her rejection if that’s what she plans on giving me? The waiting was killing me, but now that I’m here I think getting the answers that I was searching for might be worse than just not knowing. I shook my head to try and clear my thoughts as I made the last few steps towards the edge of the rock formation; it was now or never, I need to just man up and get it over with.

“Hey.” Shay greeted me the moment I fully made my way onto the cliff; she was currently laid back on the smooth rock staring at the sky.

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