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The next week seemed to past by quickly; Cale had scheduled two group dates, luckily Sam wasn't included in either one that I was on. The first one we spent a day at an art gallery and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it; it may have been due to the fact that they had an entire section dedicated to Van Gogh and he happens to be my favorite artist, alright, maybe the only artist that I could actually identify, but my favorite none-the-less. The next date was a spa day, complete with massages, manicures, pedicures and hair and skin treatments; Cale only joined in on the massages but he wasn't shy in making suggestions on colors or styles when asked. I'm starting to think that he's running out of ideas on where he can take a group of females and keep them entertained; it has to be hard to come up with something new each time when he goes on an average of four dates a week.

Fridays sparring session with Tony was a blast, but I hate to admit he had me tapping out every time; I'm going to beat him, and I won't give up until I do, even if I get eliminated I will work my ass off with my trainer Ty at home and make a special trip back just to show him that it can be done! I twirled the little blue and green swirled glass jewel on my bracelet – the most recent one from Cale, from the last elimination - as I reflected on the time I've spent here so far; six weeks had gone by, and six weeks still remained, it's down to only eight girls now and the house is refreshingly quiet. Liz and I have come to the conclusion that Cale only really has a connection with six of us; the other two are just bidding their time until they get sent home – I'm pretty sure they're well aware of that fact too.

Liz, Paige, Kassi, Samantha, Tori, and myself are still in the running; A girl named Anna, and surprise, surprise, Holly, are still here but I can almost guarantee they will be the next to go. Anna I'm sure can see that there's really no connection there but I'm sure Holly is just as clueless as the day she was born; sometimes I feel sorry for Anna, knowing that she has no chance but sticking in there regardless, I give the girl credit for keeping herself together though. I have two dates with Cale this week, both group dates; today –Monday- we are going to the beach together, as a whole group, all eight of us – oh joy, time with Sam- and another date on Wednesday with Liz, Paige and Tori for a boat ride. I'm actually excited for both because they involve water, but I'm looking forward to the boating day more; one because I won't be forced to spend any time with Sam, and two because I freaking love boating, it's my favorite pastime back home.

Our plans to get rid of Sam once and for all have so far gone out the window, the little shit seemed to be avoiding us at all costs; Sam had been basically invisible for the last week, only showing up when she was needed for a group date and staying as far away from us as she could possibly manage without seeming too obvious about it. It had us both wondering what she was up to, what little scheme she was planning; there was no way that she was just going to back off and let this whole thing play out without anymore drama, no that just wasn't her way of doing things. Sam had something planned, and I have to admit it had me on edge; when an enemy that is normally full speed ahead starts to slink back into the weeds, that's when you knew that a storm was brewing, a storm that was bound to reek major havoc. If I only knew what went on her in head, I might have a chance to stop it before it built to its full potential; if only I could get into the mind of a psychopath, the thought almost scared me more than not knowing, yeah, I didn't want to be anywhere near the mind of crazy Samantha!

Cale opted to meet us at the beach instead of arriving in the limo that came to pick us up; I still found it difficult to hold a conversation with most of the girls, but I did my best to be civil. When we arrived at the beach Cale was standing next to a volleyball net with a shiny new ball in his hands waiting for us; we all piled out of the limo and met him on the beach, each giving him a quick hug before he explained what we would be doing for the day. Apparently he thought it would be fun to see us get a little competitive with each other, why he thought this was a good idea was beyond me; anyways he split us up into two teams, Liz, Paige, Holly and me on one team, Sam, Anna, Tori and Kassi on the other. We would play three games against each other and the best two out of three would be the winner; the players on the winning team would each get to spend twenty minutes alone with Cale while the rest of us enjoyed the day at the beach.

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