Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two


Shay’s POV


          After arriving back at the house I immediately went up to my room to try and clear my head; I knew that if I spent any time with the other girls and Sam opened her mouth it would be an all out brawl in the living room, if I could just cool off for a little bit then by dinner time I should be able to handle being around her. Leaning back against the head board I opened one of my many romance books and started to get lost in the land of fiction. Just as the main character got down on one knee in the pouring rain and was confessing his undying love to the heroine the bedroom door went flying open and Liz announced that dinner was ready; god I really hate to stop reading a book in the middle of a chapter but when it came to book VS food, food wins out every time.

          I followed Liz down to the kitchen as we chatted about the rides we went on today and how much fun we had; if it wasn’t for Sam being there I would say that today could have been placed in the top twenty of my best days ever. The unmistakable scent of Mexican food broke me out of my thoughts as we neared the kitchen and as we entered I took in the vast amount of variety we had to choose from; I could see myself in a food coma for the next four hours because Mexican food just so happened to be one of my favorites. I piled my plate with steak fajitas, chimichangas, tamales, a big slice of Mexican Lasagna and I topped it off with a cheesecake chimichanga covered in whipped cream and strawberry preserves on a second plate for dessert. I was only two scrumptious tortillas in when someone sat down next to me and a perfectly manicured finger pushed my dessert plate away from them.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked looking over at Sam now seated next to me.

“Sitting down to eat, what’s it look like?” She asked back; looking around the huge table we were all seated at there was well over ten empty seats still left, most of which were far away from me.

“You can sit down and eat somewhere else.” I motioned around the table to the other empty seats for her to sit at.

“Oh no, I’m good right here.” Sam replied with a smile.

“Look you already almost ruined my day, you sure as hell aren’t going to sit here and ruin my meal. So you have two choices, you can either get up and move on your own or I will get up and move you myself.” I growled out; just sitting next to her was already ruining my appetite and if she messed up my first Mexican meal in almost six weeks I would knock the taste out of her mouth so that she could never enjoy another meal again.

“Is that a threat Shay, are you threatening me?” Sam asked while raising her voice so that she caught the attention of everyone else at the table; if she thought that getting the other girls to notice the commotion was going to stop me from doing what I planned on doing she had another thing coming.

“No not at all Sam, I don’t make threats, I make promises. So get your ass out of that seat and move away from me before I make your teeth the most interesting part of that insipid salad.” I said as calmly as I could while motioning down at the dull mix of green leaves in the bowl in front of her; I was expecting her to get up at this point but to my surprise she leaned over closer to me so that she could whisper her next sentence and the rest of the table wouldn’t hear.

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