Chapter Nineteen - Mothers know best

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*A/N - For those of you who didnt get the message I sent out yesterday, it was a holiday and that's why I didn't update. Here is the next chapter and I am also going to go back and repost the first chapters because I went through and did some light editing, nothing changed I just fixed some mistakes I found and some that others have pointed out to me (thanks for that by the way). * 

Chapter Nineteen – Mothers know best


Cale’s POV


          Thursday morning I woke up to the song Sweet Home Alabama blaring from my radio alarm; no matter how many times I’ve heard the song it still manages to put a smile on my face every time I hear it. I pulled myself out of bed and into the bathroom to take a quick shower; once I was dressed and ready for the day I headed down to the kitchen to get some breakfast. When I arrived I was surprised to find that only my mother was there; breakfast was the one meal that my mother insisted on cooking herself and it was rare for any of us to miss out on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just Joey missing seeing as how he had a tendency to stay the night with whatever girl he was seeing at the moment, but the fact that my father and Tony were missing had me curious.

“Where is everyone?” I asked my mother after giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and taking my seat at the table where she already had a plate set up and waiting for me.

“You’re father had some pack business to take care of this morning and Tony is helping him out with a few things; as for Joey, if I had to guess he’s keeping some poor girls bed warm for her.” She replied rolling her eyes at her middle sons usual behavior as she took a seat in the chair next to me.

“Well I guess I can’t complain, that just means more food for me.” I shoved another mouthful of cheesy eggs in my mouth and smiled at her; she had this far away look on her face, like she was distracted by something and I was just about to ask her what it was she was thinking about when she spoke up.

“How are things going for you Cale, with the Ringing and all?” She asked turning her attention back to me.

“It’s alright I guess.” I shrugged not really sure if I wanted to talk about it.

“You’re my son Cale, I know you better than you think I do. I can tell that you have been stressed the last few weeks and I want you to know that I’m here for, you can talk to me about things if you want to.” She placed her hand on my arm and gave it a soft reassuring squeeze; I looked up and offered her a small smile as I thought about whether or not it was really right for me to talk to my mother about the issues I was having with the girls; I’m twenty-five for fucks sake, I should be able to figure this out on my own.

“I just… well… there’s just been an issue with one of the girls really.” I finally confessed; screw it, mothers always know best, right?

“Let me guess she doesn’t want to be here but you want her to stay?” She asked; my mouth dropped open in shock at her words. How the hell did she know that? “Oh don’t look at me like that, I know a lot more about what’s going on than you think.” She shoved my shoulder lightly breaking me out of my trance like state.

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