Chapter Eight - Beaches, Babes, and Bimbos (Week Two)

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Chapter Eight - Beaches, Babes, and Bimbos (Week Two)

Shay’s POV

          Friday morning there was a new note on the table announcing that Cale picked some chick named Anna for the single date that week; I had a slight idea who she was but I wasn’t really bothering myself with getting to know any of the girls other than Liz. The rest of the weekend surprisingly went by quickly; Sunday night Cale called the girls in one by one again and five more were sent home. He didn’t bother calling me in because he had already given me a charm and told me I was staying; yay me, note the sarcasm. Monday morning there was a new note listing the plans for that week; this time there were three group dates with five girls each Monday through Wednesday and Thursday and Friday were single dates.

          After breakfast Liz and I went back up to the room to change and get ready for the date we were set to go on; the note said it would be something at the beach so dress appropriately. I slipped on a black bikini and toped it with some short jean shorts and a off the shoulder loose white silk top; Liz opted for a brown and tan bikini topped with a brown skirt and crème colored tank top. Once we were dressed we headed downstairs and waited in the living room for the other girls to come down; I wasn’t surprised when two of them walked down in just bikini tops and barely there shorts, at least I knew that Cale’s attention would be on them for the day and not me.

          The Limo arrived a few minutes later and we all piled in for the short ride down to the nearby beach; Cale was waiting in the parking lot and greeted us as we got out before leading us down to large blanket and picnic set up on the sand. We all sat down together in a semi-circle as Cale offered us a selection of drinks; the three other girls with us choose wine coolers while Liz and I opted for bottled water, it wasn’t even noon yet so I wasn’t in the mood for a drink. Cale started conversation by telling us about how he went wake boarding with his brothers that weekend then proceeded to ask us what we had done to keep ourselves busy.

“Oh it was so fun!” Sara - one of the girls gushed. “We spent Saturday morning at the local spa then when we got back we all tried out the pool in the back yard. The slide is amazing; I can’t tell you how many times we went down it, it was a blast. All of us got a little time to get to know each other and that was nice too…” She paused looking over at me for a moment before continuing. “Well, almost all of us; I don’t remember seeing you there.” She looked at me again tilting her head to the side.

“I had other plans.” I replied curtly leaning back on the blanket and lacing my hands behind my head.

“Well what did you do?” Sara asked; I swallowed hard holding back the groan that wanted to escape. Was it really any of this chicks business what I did with my free time?

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