Chapter Twenty-One

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*A/N - Sorry for the delay guys, I think this chapter is a little longer than normal so hopefully that makes up for it. Enjoy!*

Chapter Twenty-One


Shay’s POV


          After my talk with Cale on Saturday it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, actually even since I decided to stay it was like a load of stress was relieved; I guess it’s my bodies way of telling me that I really wanted to be here all along. Without the stress of my body and mind fighting over what they thought was the right thing to do I felt lighter in a way; I’m free to be me and I don’t have to hide behind this wall I had put up when I first came here. All in all I have to say that so far I think that I made the right decision; it wasn’t right for me to fight with myself and possibly miss out on a chance at love with someone.

          Sunday I took the time to actually get to know the other girls a little bit more; I don’t know who was more surprised at that, me or them. While they are under the impression that I was just finally opening up and willing to get to know them, in reality I was just doing a little recon; what’s that saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer? The more I knew about them the better chance I would have at beating them; I know this may sound a little evil but the more someone trusts you the more they open up to you and the more I got to know about these girls the easier it would be for me to find their weaknesses. I said I was in it to win it and I meant that; I’m not saying that I’m going to play dirty, I’m just… Ok, so maybe I am saying that, but can you really blame me? If I had to dig up a little dirt on the girls to see what their true colors are then so be it; there can only be one winner in this thing and not only for my sake, or Cale’s, but for the entire werewolf community it was important that the winner would make a great queen.

          Personally I think that Cale is blind to some of the traits and true natures of the girls; I mean he still has Sam around, so that alone is saying something. I have to wonder what she’s like when she’s alone with him, or even on group dates; she has to be completely different than she really is because no one in their right mind would want to keep a bitch like her around. I haven’t been on any dates with her since the dinner date, and I can’t blame Cale for keeping us apart; honestly it’s only a matter of time before we blow up on each other just being in the same house with each other, I would assume it would happen sooner if we were paired together on a date with Cale. I would love nothing more than to just tell Cale how she really is and that he’s making a huge mistake keeping her here, but I would rather let Sam expose her true self to him on her own; I just hope that I can be there when it happens to watch her fall, nothings better to watch then a selfish bitch getting denied what she wants, I bet the temper tantrum she throws will be epic.

          Monday morning after breakfast Liz and I made our way into the living room to look at the schedule for the week that was always left on the coffee table Monday mornings. After sitting down Liz picked up the paper and started reading the contents before she started cracking up laughing; looking over at the crazy woman sitting next to me I raised my eyebrows at her asking what it is that she found so funny before she handed the paper to me with another laugh. There on the crisp white paper in my hand I found the reason for her laughing fit, only I didn’t seem to find it that funny; actually I was counting down the seconds that it would take for my wolf to come through and rip someone’s head off.

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