This is not an update! Sorry guys!

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This is not an update! Sorry guys!


I just wanted to write this to let you all know that I have been reading your comments but I haven’t had the time to reply to them all yet, so I just figured I would sum it all up in this little note for you. First of all thanks for all the feedback and ideas on what I can do with the story! I have also received a lot of questions that I feel I need to answer, so here it goes.


~His name is Cale not Cole, but I know that it may just be autocorrect that is changing that on you guys in the comments. (If I mess up and write the wrong name, please let me know!)

~You may have noticed that I jump back and forth and call his brother Joe sometimes and Joey other times, it’s not a typo, I just like to use both names.

~Someone mentioned something about bringing in Shay’s sister; she doesn’t have a sister, just two older brothers (Jordan & Thomas) and a best friend (Ali).

~I mentioned earlier in the story about Cale’s mother looking a little upset when talking about The Ringing during dinner one night, I will go back to that and explain why it was she was feeling that way later in the story.

~Some of you want Shay and Cale to fall in love with each other, like RIGHT NOW! I’m sorry but it’s not going to happen that way, I don’t want a story where two people meet and immediately fall in love with each other without getting to know one another first!

~Some things people have questions about the werewolf parts of the story, 1) The silver bracelet being harmful to them – I based my werewolves in this story off of normal humans with extra abilities, so silver had no more of an effect on them then it does us. 2) Are Cale and Shay mates? – This story doesn’t have ‘true mates’ like some stories do, it would basically make the whole thing pointless if they had someone out there that was made for them, if that was the case then why would they be in The Ringing in the first place? 3) Won’t shifting help her heel faster? – No, I feel like shifting would just make the injury worse.

~It is only week four and there are eleven girls left, each week from now on one girl will be eliminated; some of you want me to make the eliminations go faster, but I wanted to have at least one chapter for each week and preferably a chapter from each POV.

~Updates will be on Mondays! No matter how much you beg, plead or even try to barter with your first born child or your soul, this will not change. If you have read my previous authors notes you would know that I am currently in the middle of building a garage on top of all the other things that I have going on in my life right now; I do not have much time to write and am barely able to get you guys an update every Monday. I don’t mind you asking for more updates, but I just wanted to let you know that it’s not going to happen.

~Why hasn’t Shay been on a single date with Cale yet? – I mentioned earlier that Cale didn’t want to push her into anything too fast; this is why I have held off on a single date between the two of them so far. I promise you that there will be one in the near future.

~I got a few requests about bringing in the girls families and the girls meeting with Cale’s families and I have been thinking about doing that for some time now; that being said I have decided that I will incorporate that into the story in the future.


Sorry for this extremely drawn out authors note but I wanted to try and answer every ones questions and concerns and just make a few things clear about the story. Anyways I hope this cleared things up for you guys and I have the next chapter almost done so expect it to be posted on Monday! Thanks again for everyone’s support and for taking the time to read my story. Oh and as a side note this story was rated #17 in the werewolf category yesterday! I can’t believe that it got so popular so fast! So a huge thanks again to all my readers for making that happen! I was beyond happy when I seen that!

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