Chapter Twelve - Dinner Disaster!

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Chapter Twelve – Dinner Disaster!



Shay’s POV

          This dumb-ass blonde bitch! I’m about two seconds away from jumping across the table and smacking that stupid look right off her face! Over the last few weeks no one in the house had irked me more than Samantha; the girl thought that she was just the cream of the crop, queen-bee, top of the barrel number one prize. In reality she was a spoiled rotten little bitch who needed to be put in her place, and I had absolutely no problem being the one to do it. She may be able to get away with putting the other girls down and being a straight up bitch to everyone else, but she sure as shit won’t be able to pull that crap with me; if she wants to play hard ball then bring it on bitch because I came ready with my bat and glove.

“It’s true; I’ve heard her speak them all.” Liz spoke up after a few moments of silence causing everyone at the table to laugh except for Samantha.

“That’s funny. Well unlike you I don’t have to make up my talents; I actually can speak four different languages, just goes to show what a true education gets you.” Samantha spoke up pursing her lips at the end as if to prove a point. This was coming from the girl who couldn’t answer a single question about werewolf law on our first date with Cale; maybe she needed to rethink what a true education was really about.

“Oh really, where’d you study at, super bitch academy?” I shot back.

“Clearly you were never educated on how to be a lady either!” Sam responded taking a sip of her wine as if the whole conversation wasn’t bothering her in the least; I on the other hand was having a hard time staying in my seat and not reaching across the table to rip her fake blonde hair straight out of her skull.

“A lady, is that what you think you are? Because I can tell you right now that…” My sentence was cut short when Liz jabbed me hard in the ribs and spoke up.

“Let’s just stop this before anyone says something that they don’t really mean.” Liz shot me a stern look before continuing. “I have gotten to know both of you over the last few weeks and you are both highly educated people, there’s no doubt about that; that being said you have entirely different personalities that seem to be clashing at the moment so I think it would be best for everyone here if we just move on to a different subject.” Everyone at the table but me nodded in agreement when Liz finished her speech; damn her for always having a way with words and knowing how to diffuse a situation!

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