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Time Variance Authority

Shaky breaths escaped Sarah's mouth as the young female trudged through the long and narrow hallways brightened by the fluorescent lights up above. Though the hallways were hardly filled, they were still occupied by various busy TVA workers nonetheless. As she passed some of the workers, Sarah could feel their stares. Feeling uncomfortable, Sarah looked down as she clutched a folder of files close to her chest. The lingering stares and even the occasional glares weren't all new to Sarah in this situation. In fact, she had known them all a little too well. They had known that she didn't belong. Not one of them wanted anything to do with her so it wasn't a surprise when they tried to avoid eye contact or ignore her presence entirely. Because to them, Sarah was nothing but an outcast. A freak. An aberration.

But nothing was ever going to change that.

For as long as Sarah could remember, she never felt like she belonged at the TVA. She never felt like she had a purpose.

Much like the rest of the TVAS hard and dedicated workforce, Sarah was a creation of the Timekeepers. The purpose of her creation was so that she could protect the all so "Sacred Timeline."

But... There was a hidden secret in her creation. Because Sarah wasn't the same as the other TVA workers. There was something about her that made her so different, that she was often treated without respect and with cruelty. Some said that she was cursed because no matter what she did, she would always be a disappointment. It was clear from those whispers, that people thought that Sarah was an outcast because of her lack of ability to understand how things worked. But that wasn't really true. Sarah knew exactly how things worked. It's just what made her different that made them think so lowly of her.

Sarah was born with a power. A power that neither her or the TVA could understand.

The soles of Sarah's shoes hit the tile floor as she continued down the hallway. For the TVA, it had been a usual day. Keeping an eye on the timeline, steering clear of any branches. Capturing and prosecuting Variants, those who disrupted the timeline. Everyone was hard at work to ensure that everything was kept in order. Because without the dedication of the TVA, the timeline would be chaos.

Instructed by Judge Renslayer, Sarah was on her way to deliver some Variant case files to the front desk. It was best that she avoid getting behind.

Wanting to avoid another lecture about time and order from Judge Ravonna Renslayer, the girl decided to pick up the pace. The quicker she completed her task, the quicker she could be left alone. Most of the time, she just spent her days working alone. When she wasn't working quietly by herself, she spent her time shadowing Agent Mobius. A hard-working, and an exceptional Analyst.

Agent Mobius...

Sarah felt grateful that she had Agent Mobius to go to. Shockingly, he had been one of the very few who had actually given her the chance to prove herself. To show that she was useful and valuable.

Truthfully, Sarah would much rather be assisting Agent Mobius with his cases. But, she knew better than to disobey orders given to her by Renslayer. So she kept her focus on completing her task.

The entire walk through the halls, Sarah refused to look up. She just wasn't particularly in the mood for all of the judging eyes staring at her. As she neared closer to the main entrance of the TVA, the sound of footsteps and voices seemed to become more audible. Sarah looked up as she entered the room.

The room was filled to the brim with Analysts, Hunters and Variant's alike.

Scanning the room, Sarah found Casey. There he was, sitting alone at the front desk with his nose buried in paperwork.

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