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Time Variance Authority

Fidgeting with the Time Twister remote in her hand, Sarah had been staring at her feet for the past 15 minutes. Though she could feel Lokis gaze watching her the whole time. So much for Mobius making a quick trip. Still, Sarah did her best to remain calm. Agent Mobius would return soon. In the mean time, he had tasked her with keeping an watchful on Loki. So that's what she intended to do. She just knew there was a chance Loki would attempt to woo her into letting him go. But she wasn't going to fall for it. She was a tough girl. And a stubborn one too. Besides, she had the advantage of knowing his trickery. Letting out a sigh, Sarah looked up from the ground. She glanced over to Loki, to see what he was up to.
There he was still sitting. He had his arms crossed, staring at her. "Hello... Sarah." Loki gave a grin.

Sarah frowned. That was a smile she didn't like one bit. "Uh... Hi..." She replied, quietly. She stared.

"You're awfully quiet." Loki inquired. "Though I imagine that's quite normal for you, isn't it?"

Sarah's eyes furrowed. Why had that suddenly mattered? Though she supposed Loki was simply trying to make conversation after the awkward silence they both just endured.

"I...I guess." Sarah shrugged.

Loki uncrossed his arms. Given it was only the two of them, The God of Mischief decided that now was his chance. His opportunity to make an escape, or at least attempt to. 'This shouldn't be too difficult. She's young and naive.' He thought to himself. 'It should be child's play.'

The entirety of the time Loki had studied her from the moment he saw her, the God managed to pick up on some things about her.

For example, she seemed to be more interested in studying the floor than him. Not that he really cared if she was interested or not. But it was just she was so...guarded. From the way he saw it, there was clearly so much she wanted to say. And yet, she chose not to. Like she couldn't bring herself to. Did she fear what others would think of her? Or did she believe that voicing her thoughts wouldn't change anything. Loki couldn't blame her for that, considering that the world is often cruel when one speaks their mind. So it makes sense why it made sense that this girl was afraid of the idea of voicing it.

Another thing Loki noticed was how Sarah chose to stay by Mobius's side.

It was clear that she felt comfortable around him. It seemed as though no matter where he went, Sarah followed behind him like a shadow. Why was that? Did she feel safer with him? It was clear between their interactions, that Mobius had a soft spot for her. And she trusted him.

Though if Loki was being honest, there was something about this girl that made her...different. Different from Mobius, and the others. But what exactly?

That he would figure out.

'I need to get her to open up.' Loki told himself. If he could somehow gain her trust even in the slightest, then it would better his chances of tricking her. "Agent Mobius, the man you've been shadowing, is he your mentor?" Loki asked.

Sarah bites down on her lower lip. She didn't like how Loki out of the blue was deciding to start interrogating her. But she did her best to go along, for now. "Y-Yes. I suppose you could say that." Sarah muttered.

"You must trust him then." Loki inquired.

"I've known him for what feels like forever. He's a good man." She told him. "So of course I trust him."

"Mobius seems to care for you. It's strikes me as odd that a man with such a job would find time to form any sort of relationships, even if it's just friendship. Or... Mentorship."

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