Chapter Fourteen (THE VARIANT)

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Time Variance Authority

Gathered around a table in the cafeteria once more, was Sarah, Loki and Agent Mobius. After concluding that Loki's variant theory was true, the analyst knew they would need to get to work on finding on which natural occurring disaster  the Loki variant was hiding out in. They knew it wouldn't be easy, given the endless possibilities there were. But that wasn't going to stop them of course. They finally had a good lead on this case, and that had to take it or leave it. Sarah Kane bites down on her lower lip, picking at the plate of fries in front of her. It seemed she didn't have much of an appetite. Perhaps, it was because they were close with this case.

It wouldn't be before too long the TVA would capture this Loki variant, it would all be over.

But what did that mean for Loki?

Didn't it mean the TVA no longer needed him? After all, what would his purpose be here? Why would they keep him?

Loki would be reset most likely. Meaning, none of this would have ever happened. He never would have met her. He would be set back onto his path. His destiny to die at the hands of Thanos.

Sarah felt sick at the very thought of it. There had to be another option right?

They could keep Loki around, couldn't they?

Because, if she was being honest she didn't want Loki to go. She wanted him to stay here, with her.

If Loki disappeared, Sarah knew exactly what would happen. She would no longer have anyone to stick up for her. She would no longer have that friendship they had both created with one another.  She would have no one...

She would truly be alone again.

But what could she do? It wasn't like she could go up to Judge Renslayer herself and ask for her to let Loki stay.

She knew that would never happen. After all, Renslayer never wanted Loki here in the first place. She wanted him to be reset. Agent Mobius had been the very one to give Loki a chance at being good. Well more, a favor for a favor kinda thing. But still, without Mobius, Loki wouldn't be here right now.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Loki's voice interrupts Sarah's thoughts. His brows are furrowed together in concern as he glances towards her. She's quiet. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she was deep in thought. She had hardly touched her food.

"I'm fine." Sarah responds.

Loki knew better than that. He could tell something was bothering her.

"Are you sure?" Loki asked, gently. Whatever was on her mind, was enough to completely pull her away from reality. It must have been important.

Sarah sighs. Of course, she could always try and lie about what was bothering her. But, that was pointless. Loki was an expert on the art of deception. He would know in a heartbeat she was lying. But now, wasn't right. And especially, not in front of Mobius. "Yeah." Sarah replied. "Can we...just maybe talk about it later?"

Loki could only nod to her. "Of course." He replied, softly.

Sarah offers him a small smile, grateful he wasn't pressing her on the matter any further.

Agent Mobius looked between the two of them. He could only watch them. It seemed Loki had grown so fond of Sarah. The same could be said the other way around. They had an obvious bond, and friendship.

They both seemed to really understand each other. It was strange, really.

Given Mobius had studied his whole life, Loki becoming attached to some kid he had just met wasn't something he had foreseen.

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