Chapter Thirteen (THE VARIANT)

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Time Variance Authority, The Armory

Pondering away in his thoughts, Agent Mobius held his Tempad in his hands as he leaned his body against the wall. His eyes were fixed on the device, staring at it intently and deeply. He couldn't believe this. He couldn't believe that he was about to go against his jobs very purpose, and recklessly risk putting a dent in the timeline. All for  Loki's ridiculous theory about the Variant! Mobius shakes his head. It was stupid, that's what it was. Plain, downright stupid. Did Loki truly not have any idea the kind of damage they could do to the timeline with this theory?

Mobius hadn't even asked Ravonna permission to do this. Like he's supposed to.

But that was because he just knew what the answer would be. No, proceeded by some sort of rant about how Loki can't be trusted.

Really, he wasn't missing anything.

Mobius had his doubts about his theory. But still, he couldn't help but wonder...what if Loki was right? If the variant was using apocalyptic events to hide in, then it explained why he was so hard to get a hit on. To capture and take down.

The TVA were desperate.

This variant had already taken out too many of their Minutemen, and now was holding one of their own hostage.

What else were they supposed to do?

It wasn't like Mobius had much of a choice. If this theory was right, it would make things a whole lot easier. If it was wrong...well, then it was going to be a very awkward talk with Ravonna.

Mobius shakes his head, mumbling to himself. "I can't believe I'm going through with this."

He looks down at his Tempad. It was all set and ready to go.

At the sound of the doors opening, Agent Mobius looked up to see Loki and Sarah entering the armory. The teenager and the god of mischief both walked alongside each other.

Mobius could only stare. It did seem like the both of them had pretty much become inseparable.

It was quite odd. It's almost like Loki had become quite fond of Sarah.

Agent Mobius had seemed to notice how Loki was acting around Sarah. The way he was interacting with her. Loki seemed to show some sort of genuine care for the girl.

Like, a genuine care. Not the sort of fake, phony type.

In his mind, he wanted to worry that Loki might be using Sarah for his own personal gain. Like he had some sort of plan to corrupt her. Turn her against the TVA. But then again, Loki never really showed any sign of doing that. He always acted quite genuine with her.

Agent Mobius wondered, did he even care about Sarah? Like, care for her? Or was it something else?

He couldn't exactly be sure.

As Loki and Sarah approached the agent, he couldn't help but give the two an incredulous look. He gestures to the teen with his head. "Hey, kiddo." He gave her a faint smile, then looked at Loki. "Loki."

"Mobius." Loki nods.

Sarah smiled. "You ready then?"

Mobius nodded his head to them both. "Yeah, Tempad is set. Pompeii, the year 79. The year that Mount Vesuvius erupted. Wiping out all of its civilization."

"An apocalypse." Loki said. "The perfect place to hide. Because no matter what you do, the volcano will always erupt, killing those people. It's...historic."

Mobius let out a sigh. "Loki, we can't be reckless about this. Because if your theory's wrong, there's no telling what it could do to the timeline." He shakes his head. "We don't know what could happen, the chaos that could erupt."

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