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Time Variance Authority

Leaning against a balcony on one of the TVAS nearly endless floors was Sarah. The younger female let out a shaky breath, staring at the city in the distance. Flying cars and small homes. Her mind was still racing. And she knew she needed to try to take time to herself to think. Her thoughts pondered to Agent Mobius. 'Where is he? Is anyone going to tell him about Loki?' Given Agent Mobius was one of the very few Analysts who truly knew Loki, it seemed to only make sense that they would come to him for help. Right? Sarah bites down on her lower lip, nervously fidgeting with her fingers. "Should I find Mobius? This is Loki we're talking about. Surely he'll want to know?" Sarah mumbled. She couldn't help but go back to her encounter with Hunter B-15. Why did she suddenly get so upset with her? All Sarah was doing was her job, and yet she treated her like she was a threat to her mission. This is exactly what Sarah hated about the TVA. She was treated so unfairly by others. Treated like a pest that had to be exterminated. 'B-15 didn't have to get mad at me.' Sarah told herself. 'She's too upright and worrisome.'

Overall, Sarah was just trying to wrap her head around things. Wondering why Loki had ended up in the TVA.


From her research, and mentorship with Mobius, Sarah was fairly educated on the God of Mischief. On who he was.

Loki Laufeyson. Prince of Asgard, Trickester God, and Brother of the Mighty Thor. Alongside his Brother, Loki was raised on Asgard by the All-Father Odin, and his Wife, Frigga.

But Sarah knew the truth about Loki. That though he was raised on Asgard, he was in fact not born there. Loki was born on the realm known as Jotunhiem, the home of the creatures known as the Frost-Giants. Not only was he a Frost-Giant, but he was not the son of Odin. He was the son of the King Laufey.

The way Mobius had explained it was enough for her to understand.

Years passed, and Loki had never known of his true parentage. But... When the truth was finally unveiled to him by the All-Father himself, it sparked something inside of him. Betrayal. Rage. What file after file has taught her was that Loki had chosen the path of chaos and destruction, because he knew he would never be what everyone else wanted him to be.

He chose to believe he was nothing but an outcast. Unworthy of love or forgiveness.

Sarah looked down. Loki's story always intrigued her much like Mobius. But, for different reasons. Maybe it was because she sympathized with him? That she seemed to understand why he did the things he did. Or maybe it was because she knew exactly how it felt to be treated like an outcast.

Sarah looked back up, now standing up straight. Since he had nene brought to the TVA, Sarah imagined he was going through the trial process.

From what Sarah knew all the way up to death everything in Loki's life had gone the way it had supposed to. At least, that's what the TVA seemed to think. She thought differently. She believed Loki could live whatever life he wanted, and not have to follow the dictation of others. But she usually kept that to herself. Didn't want to give the TVA another reason to dislike her.

A question pondered her mind. 'What changed?'

Letting out a sigh, Sarah decided she should keep moving. She needed to find Mobius.

But before she was able to move from the balcony, Miss Minutes appeared on the balcony railing beside her. The interface looked to the female. "Now what are you doing?" She quipped. "Shouldn't you hard at work making sure the timeline is kept safe?" Though through her words, came a kind and friendly smile.

Sarah looked over. "Oh... Hello, Miss Minutes." She shrugged her shoulders. "And I wouldn't worry. Everyone is doing their best." She reassured.

Miss Minutes titled her head. "What's wrong, Sarah? Why so down?"

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