Chapter Eight (THE VARIANT)

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Time Variance Authority

Lightly tapping her fingers against Agent Mobius's desk, Sarah Kane hummed to herself as she had the headphones to a Walkman on her ears. The music flowed out of the headphones, and into her ears. Residing just beside her, was not Agent Mobius. It was Loki. See, since the events that had involved what felt like weeks, maybe months, Loki had joined the TVA. Recruited by Agent Mobius to help them hunt down and capture the rogue Loki who was terrorizing the timeline and taking out the TVA's units. Stripped of the prisoner uniform, Loki was dressed more appropriately for his position. A dress shirt, and dress pants. Nice shoes, and to top it off a TVA belt buckle. Proper attire. The God of Mischief was leaned back in Mobius's chair, his feet propped up on the desk. In his spare time, he found himself reading one of Mobius's jet ski magazines. It wasn't ideal reading material, but it seemed to do the job and occupy the time. Which it seemed he had nothing but here. All the time in the world. With all of the training videos and lectures, it was nice for Loki to have a moment of peace.

Every so often, Loki couldn't help but look over to Sarah. He would study her.

Observe her.

In the time since his arrival, Loki and Sarah were trying to learn how to trust one another. To try to understand each other. And perhaps even in way, try to form a sort of friendship.

The more he looked to her, the more he could see these things about her.

Things about her, even if they were little things, that often reminded him of himself as a teenager. Her quietness. How she was always so withdrawn from everyone and everything. How much she didn't like to speak or interact with anyone unless spoken too directly by someone. Loki knew she had some issues. Some very deep issues. But he thought those problems could be fixed, by working together. As partners. As friends.

A few moments passed, and finally Loki decide to give it a shot at talking to her.

Loki leaned over, gently tapping the girl on the shoulder. "Sarah." He called out. He did hope she could hear him, even with those headphones on her ears.

Sarah felt the tap on her shoulder. She looked over at Loki, taking down her headphones and pausing the tape. "Yeah... What's up?" She quizzed.

"Is that all you ever do here? Get lost in your own thoughts, and practically disappear into your mind." Loki asked.

Sarah titled her head. "What do you mean?"

"I mean..." Loki sighs. "You've never truly tried to enjoy what the TVA has to offer. You literally work for a authority that's in charge of time."

"Yeah. So?" She shrugged.

"So?" He let out a soft chuckle. "Sarah, do you know the places you could go?"

"N-No, I don't." Sarah replied.

"Imagine the places and people you could see." Loki told her. Oh how the endless possibilities struck his head. The time periods. The historical figures. The beauty's. "Anywhere in all of time. From Pompeii on Volcano Day, to New York during the Prohibition Era." He was of course just throwing out examples to her. Hoping she would get his drift.

Sarah looked to Loki. Wow, he seemed pretty enthusiastic about it. "Perhaps it would be fun, yes."

"Just fun? You mean thrilling." Loki told her.

"Thrilling, or fun. It doesn't matter." Sarah sighed. "Because unfortunately such adventures aren't exactly on my calendar. The TVA would never allow me to go off into the timeline, let alone to any point in time that's incredibly important to the Sacred Timeline."

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