Chapter Fifteen (THE VARIANT)

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Time Variance Authority

Biting on her lower lip, Sarah Kane leaned against the wall, standing beside Loki. Agent Mobius had just come from his chat with Judge Renslayer. She knew that things were about to get very serious now. Like Loki had told her, they needed to be careful. This variant still posed a threat to the TVA and the timeline. Her gaze fixated on the analyst as he entered the room. Loki stood to slightly, raising a brow. Mobius nodded his head to both Loki and Sarah. "Okay. We're on. We are doing some good work today." He told them. Sarah let out a deep breath. Is that what he was calling it? Good work? Sure, if he said so.

"I thought so too." Loki remarked.

"I'm tellin' you. You actually help us catch this Variant, and who knows, my friend." Mobius cracked a slight smile.

Loki titled his head, leaning in. "What, good enough for a face-to-face with the Time-Keepers?"

"I didn't say that. One step at a time." Agent Mobius reached into a locker, and to their surprise retrieved a set of daggers. He handed them to Loki. "Just in case."

Loki of course, was a bit surprised by this. He takes them, staring at them. "Oh how I've missed these."

"Yeah. Don't they feel-"

But, Agent Mobius was rudely interrupted when Hunter B-15 suddenly came out of nowhere. "Absolutely not!" She grabbed them out his hands, shaking her head disapprovingly. She placed them back into an another locker, before turning around facing everyone. "Gather around for a briefing."

"Here we go..." Sarah breathed out.

Agent Mobius, Loki, and Sarah all gathered around with B-15 and rest of the minutemen assigned to this mission.

B-15 took her place in the front, beside Mobius. "Roxxcart is a vast superstore common to the era. It consists of a series of sprawling sections, including a large warehouse. This warehouse is being used by civilians as a shelter tryin' to ride out the storm. Remember, this is a class ten apocalypse. While the Variant shouldn't know we're coming, he could be hiding anywhere and should be considered hostile. So stay alert." She explained. "Every time there is an attack, the Variant steals a reset charge. He's planning something. We just don't know what. So keep an eye out for the missing charges, and if you see a Loki, prune it. "

"The bad Loki preferably." Loki added.

Sarah pressed her lips together. Oddly, she felt her stomach in knots. It wasn't that she was afraid to face this other Loki. She wasn't afraid. She was more worried about something. She just didn't know what.

"Something feels wrong." Sarah shakes her head. She looked to Loki. "I feel really uneasy for some reason."

Loki looked to her. "You're probably just nervous. This is your first time on an actual mission. But you'll be fine, alright? Just stay close to Mobius and I."

Sarah nodded. "Okay."

Once they were all gathered together and briefed, B-15 opened a time door to their destination. Alabama, 2050.


Alabama, 2050

Thunder and lighting rumbled above them, as Agent Mobius, Sarah, Loki and the Minutemen had stepped out of the time door and entered the other side. They were no longer in the TVA, but Haven Hills, Alabama. The year was 2050, the same year that a devasting hurricane hit the area, wiping out most of the town. Classifying it as an apocalyptic disaster. The rain poured down onto everyone. Luckily for Agent Mobius and the others, they had prepared themselves with the right gear. However, Sarah and Loki hadn't exactly been as fortune.

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