Chapter Seventeen (LAMENTIS-1)

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Loki Laufeyson, Sylvie Laufeysdottir, and Sarah Kane had all three trekked the wastelands of Lamenti-1. It was so deserted and empty. But, maybe that was supposed to be a good thing? Because maybe, these people had enough sense to flee before all of the complete and utter destruction came to be. Sarah looked around, noticing all of the homes that had surrounded them. Most of them, appeared to be empty. But, shouldn't they be careful? Because there's always the ones too stubborn to leave, no matter what dangers they have to face.

They should be careful.

Loki looked around as well. "It looks like everyone already fled."

Sylvie shrugged. "If they did, it was in vain."

"How long do we have?"

Sylvie let out a sigh. "Twelve hours or so. Things down here are only gonna get worse. More meteors, gravity quakes, and of course, the collapse of society in the face of annihilation."

In other words, they had twelve hours to get that tempad charged, or imminent death, right?

Sarah bites down on her lower lip. She knew that she should probably be panicking right about now, right? But oddly, she wasn't as panicked she thought she would be.

Was she worried?

Of course! They were trapped on a planet destined to be destroyed.

But, she knew that if they could work together, then there was a chance they could get out of this. But getting the two Loki's to stop arguing with each other long enough to do that was going to be a challenge.

"We have twelve hours until this entire world and its people basically go extinct?" Sarah looked to Sylvie.

"Yes." Sylvie gave a nod to her. "Which means we have to get that tempad turned back on. Because I am not dying here!"

"Neither am I." Loki remarked. "Or Sarah for that matter."

As they had entered the town, they noticed some sort of power station. Sarah titled her head. Surly it could charge the tempad, couldn't it? It was worth a shot. "Could that charge the TemPad?" Sarah pointed to it.

Sylvie looked at it. "Maybe." She approaches it, and fiddles with some wired. "I'm just checking the coupling. Making sure it can connect."

"Right." Loki said.

Sylvie turned to Sarah and Loki, putting her hand out. "Okay. Hand it over."

Loki however, could only snicker. It seemed he wasn't going to give into her demands so easily. "Pitiful. I'm not giving it to you. You're gonna have to try harder."

Sylvie frowned.  "Then don't give me your "tech savvy" ideas either. The TemPad requires a massive power source, not a night light."

"So we just have to find that power source?" Sarah asked.

Sylvie nodded to her. "Yes. And fast."

"Why,  I do wonder where we could possibly find that? It's not like this place is tiny and navigable." Loki gave a sarcastic remark.

Sarah look at him, shaking her head. She directed her attention to Sylvie. "I'm assuming that this is isn't your first time here. So, that means you would possibly have an idea where we could find a power source strong enough to charge the tempad?"

"Yes, Ive been here." Sylvie crossed her arms. "But it's never been for long. There's not much time for sightseeing when the entire planet is destined for annihilation." 

"Right..." Sarah sighed. "So, we just try and find something?"

"Something?" Loki laughed. "We don't even know what we're looking for! Something isn't going to charge the tempad, now is it?"

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