Chapter Eighteen (LAMENTIS-1)

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Shuffling through the crowd of people on the train, Loki let Sarah and Sylvie over to a booth to sit down. They would be here awhile, so they might as well get to rest, and talk about their plan, right? Besides, they needed to blend in with the other passengers. The last thing they needed was the guards catching onto them. Sylvie was first to sit down, which caused Loki to stare at her. He held his helmet in his hand, and looked down at her. "Uh, um, look I can't go backwards on a train." He told her. Inplying, that's the seat that he was going to take.

Sylvie shakes her head. "Well, I never sit with my back to a door."

"What?" Loki shakes his head. That didn't make any sense, now did it? "There are doors on both sides."

"Oh, just sit down." She rolled her eyes.

Loki let out a sigh, before finally deciding to take a seat in the booth.

Sarah took a seat as well, directly beside Loki. "Why can't you sit with your back to a door?" Her brow furrowed.

"I have my reasons." Sylvie told her. She cleared her throat, glaring at Loki. "FYI, that wasn't really a plan."

"Oh really?" Loki blinked.

"Plans have multiple steps." She said. "Dressing as a guard and getting on a train is just doing a thing."

Sarah sighed. "Well, we're here aren't we?" She looked between the god and the goddess. "Look, regardless of how we did it, you two worked together. Loki used his wit, you used your power of enchantment. It's a win either way."

"Hardly." Sylvie scoffed. "The guard wasn't going to let us through either way if it wasn't for me."

"Oh, really?" Loki gave a sarcastic, shocked response. "I did not know that."

"You would have been toast." Sylvie pointed out.

"She's right, though." Sarah looked to Loki. That guard didn't have any intention of letting them though. Not even with Loki's wit. He was stubborn, and clearly unamused. "There was no way he was going to let us through without her enchanting him."

Loki looked at Sarah. "So you're just going to agree with her now?" His brows furrowed. "The variant we've been hunting?"

If Sarah was being honest, Sylvie didn't seem to bother her that much.

Perhaps, it was because she was Loki. And she had already adapted to dealing with one. Or maybe, it more because she just knew that there was more to her than beats the eye.

Sylvie had a story just like the rest of them.

That was just a fact.

Sarah let out a small sigh. She looked between the two variants. It was clear to see the tension between them, and how they clearly had conflicting personalities.

They may have been Lokis, but it clear they were very different from each other.

Which, meant it was harder for them to find common ground.

If they had any chance of getting out of here, they had to stop arguing like a bunch of children.

They had to work together.

Sarah finally answered Loki. "I mean, I can't exactly disagree with her when I know she's right." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh, I see what this is." Loki leaned in. "This is a woman thing. You two have to use your woman power against me. Fine, whatever, have fun with that. But just know, I've survived a hell of a lot worse than this planet. So, no offense, but your womanly wiles aren't going to work against me, okay?"

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