Chapter Twenty (LAMENTIS-1)

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The last thing Sarah Kane could remember, was Sylvie pulling her out a moving train. She was following Loki, who had been throw out of the window by one of the guards. He had the Tempad. The very key to getting off of the planet before it was going to be destroyed. So, Sylvie couldn't waste one second in trying to retrieve it. It was made clear, that Sylvie was about to let her variant get away with the tempad, and risk stranding them all, and destining them for imminent death. But, what Sylvie didn't realize was that Sarah wasn't like her and Loki. Sarah, was still mortal, and so the impact of hitting the ground at high speed, had knocked her unconscious.

As Sylvie Laufeydottir and Loki Laufeyson stood over her, Sarah Kane began to stir awake.

Her eyes fluttered open.

Sarah groaned, as she slowly sat up on the ground. Her head pounded, but she was able to focus enough to see Sylvie and Loki both staring at her. "W-what happened?" She shakes her head.

"Sylvie pulled you out  of a moving train to chase after me because I have the tempad." Loki told her.

Sarah glanced around. They were no longer in the train, but somewhere in the middle of the train station, and their destination. It took her a moment, but it had come back to her. She let out a breath. "Right... That."

"Are you alright?" Loki asked gently.

Sarah nodded her head, slowly. She brought her fingers up to her head and groaned again. "I'm fine. Just a bad headache, but I'll live."

Loki huffed. "Come on." He outstretched his hand for her to take.

Sarah took his hand, and the god pulled the girl her feet. She brushed what dirt she could off of her clothes, and looked to Sylvie. "Did you have to do that?"

Sylvie looked at her. It seemed that she wasn't intending on apologizing. "I did what I had to do." She told her.

Sarah decided not to press any further.

There would be no point in it, really. Sarah had luckily not been seriously injured , and perhaps she could understand the impulsiveness of the goddess given their position.

But Loki, didn't seemed to think otherwise. The god let out a scoff, placing his hands on his hips. "I'm sorry? She could have been hurt."

Sylvie clenched her jaw. "That wouldn't have mattered because without that tempad she would just end up dead like us!" She shakes her head. She pulled her sword out of its holster, lifting it up and aimed it against his throat. "Give me the tempad!"

Loki's eyes grew, and he put his hands. It was clear, he wasn't playing games anymore. She meant that. "All right. All right. Okay." Loki let out a breath, as he pulled the tempad from whatever magical pocket he had been keeping it hidden in. As he pulled it out, it suddenly sparked electricity, and it appeared to be completely crushed. Loki looked at Sylvie, who didn't seem too happy about that. He gave a nervous chuckle. "Well, I did take quite the tumble."

Sylvie lowered her sword, shaking her head. "You asshоlе. You killed us."

Loki looked down at it. "Maybe we can fix it. Okay? Um... " He held it out, staring at it. He could fix it, right?

Sylvie could only glare at him. He screwed them all over! There was no way they were getting off of this planet now. "You're not a serious man."

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