Chapter Sixteen (LAMENTIS-1)

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The moment Sarah Kane and Loki Laufeyson chose to follow the Loki variant, they knew there would be no telling where they were going to end up on the other side. But, it was a choice they didn't hesitate to make together. They knew what following the variant meant for them both. It had meant betraying the TVA. Betraying Agent Mobius. Knowing that, there was chance that would never be forgiven. And if they were caught, it would mean they would imprisoned. Or worse, pruned. In the end, it was worth the chance, wasn't it? They needed to know what this variant was after.

Feeling bright lights against their faces, Sarah and Loki stepped out of the time door, onto the other side.

They were fully expecting to be in another time. Another world.

But, their eyes suddenly grew wide.

They weren't on another planet, nor were they in a different time period. Not even an apocalypse. They were right back where they had started. The TVA...

Sarah let go of Loki's hand. "We're back at the TVA?" She looked at him, cluelessly.

"But why?" He looked around.

Loki stared back at her, with the same expression. He looked just as confused.

That didn't make sort of sense! Why come directly to the organization hell bent on capturing her and taking her down?

What was the point of that?

"I don't know, but this can't be a good thing," Sarah told him. She had a feeling something was going on here, and she wasn't sure what. But, her intuition was telling her this wasn't a coincidence. "Loki, why would she come here? Why, when she knows they're hunting her?"

"Idon't know." Loki muttered, shaking his head. "I don't..." He felt the same way Sarah did. Confused, uncertain. He was starting to realize that his knowledge on this variant wasn't nearly enough. He was in the dark.

Sarah ran her hands through her hair.

Think! She needed to think! And fast. There wasn't nearly any time before this Loki would carry out her mission.

What was her mission? Why did she come here?

It was clear, her vendetta against the TVA was personal. That was obvious.

There were a reason she was doing this. And, Sarah knew that it was much more deeper than it had appeared to be. Something happened, to fill her with all of this rage she had been fueled this.

This Loki clearly had no interest in ruling the TVA. But she did seem desperate to destroy it.

She had started with killing minutemen, causing nexus events wherever she had went. Sure, maybe that was a start.  But, if you truly wanted to take out the TVA then you had to take the one thing that had been keeping it all together. It's very creator.

The Timekeepers.

Because if the timekeepers ceased to exist, then the entire multiverse as they knew it would end up in ruins.

Sarah froze.

It dawned on her. Why the variant had specifically come here.

She wanted to destroy the TVA, so she was going after the timekeepers.

"Oh my god."

Loki noticed Sarah's sudden change in demeanor. It was a look of pure dread. He reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Sarah, what is it?"

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