Chapter Nineteen (LAMENTIS-1)

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The train rocked back and forth slightly as it reached the halfway point of its path. Sarah Kane, and Sylvie Laufeysdottir were both knocked out into deep sleep. Loki had remained where he was, allowing the younger girl to sleep undisturbed and peacefully. His arm remained around her shoulder, and his hand resting gently on her back. In order to help keep her asleep, he found himself  carefully, yet soothingly running circles on her back. She needed to rest. And he wanted to do what he could to keep her resting for as long as possible.

The past few days had been trying for the both of them.

Rest would be good for her.

Loki looked down to Sarah, his gaze softening. She looked so content, yet so sweet. It was a rare moment that the God of Mischief was seeing the girl like this.

She looked so pure, so untouched by the darkness and chaos in the world.

He did wish it could have always been like this.

He leaned his head against hers, his nose gently nuzzling into her hair. He let out a breath, closing his eyes. Trying to relax himself.

It wasn't going to last long. So, he knew it was worth cherishing while he could.

This was nice.

Being able to have a moment of peace and serenity with her instead of all the madness and chaos that they endured, was a good feeling. And truthfully, they both deserved this.

Because, his mind pondered back to the TVA.

To what awaited them, when they got out of this place. But he knew, whatever awaited them, wouldn't be good.

Sarah and Loki, had betrayed the TVA the second they decided chase after the variant. In those split seconds, they knew the kind of the risk they were taking. The danger they were putting themselves in. They knew, there was a good chance, that neither one of them would be ever be trusted again.

That, was the consequence of their actions.

They betrayed the TVA, they betrayed Agent Mobius. The one who put his faith in the both of them.

It was safe to say, that they were done for.

And Loki feared what may happen to Sarah. What they would do to her.

The TVA already despised Sarah for who she was. What she was. They were scared of her. They saw her as a threat. A weapon that could go off at any given time. They saw her as a ticking time bomb.

The thought of what they could possibly do to her, was terrifying.

It made his blood boil.

No. They wouldn't touch her. He wouldn't let them. The second the both of them returned to the TVA, Loki would fight. He would fight tooth and nail to keep them away from her.

He would protect her from whatever cruelty that they would throw at her.

He swore, no harm would come to her.

Even if it meant, he had to fight for his life, and hers. If that meant fighting his way through the TVA, and every agent in that building, so be it.
So, if they were going to have a hard time facing the TVA, then they as well make the most of the peacefulness while they had it.

Loki's eyes opened so he could look at the sleeping teenager. "Darling, how I do wish I could tell you everything will be alright."

He knew that wasn't true.

They wouldn't be able to just waltz in the TVA like none of this ever happened. They wouldn't get out of this unscathed.

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