Chapter Twenty-Three (THE NEXUS EVENT)

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Sheer panic washed over Sarah, Loki and Sylvie as they watched the figures step out of the timedoors and onto the surface of Lamentis-1. Leading the way, was none other than Ravonna Renslayer. No doubt, so that she could revel in the glory of their capture. Just behind her leading a group of minutemen, were Hunter B-15 and Agent Mobius. Sarah, Loki and Sylvie all looked to each other.  It seemed, that that all three shared the same worried expression. But also, pure shock. Because, this was the last thing they had expected.

The TVA finding them just in time to capture them. In turn, saving their lives?

It seemed like a hallucination.

But, they knew this was no rescue. They were here to arrest them and bring them in. Where, their fates awaited them.

Her expression stern and cold, Ravonna kept a firm grip on her timeskip as she looked to the variants before her. Her voice, was full of spite and hate. "Variants..." She glared, taking a step toward them. "On behalf of the TVA, we hereby arrest you for crimes against the sacred timeline. Loki Laufeyson. Sylvie Laufeydottir." Then gaze then directed to Sarah. "And the TVA's very own traitor, Sarah Kane."

Loki let out a shakened breath. "Sarah, stay behind me." He whispered.

"Loki?" Sarah looked to him.

Ravonna pursed her lips, and narrowed her eyes. "Variants, surrender yourselves. Make it easy for us, will you?" She smirked.

Loki clenched his jaw. There was no way he was going out easy. Not without some sort of fight. Because, he knew the odds. They were outnumbered. They didn't stand a chance of winning, and running wasn't an option either.

They were trapped.

They had no choice, but to face whatever was coming their way. However, they could.

"The TVA." Loki finally spoke. "I suppose you're on time, aren't you?" He then gave a grin, looking at them.

"What happened on this moon?"

"How ever do you mean?" Loki raised an eyebrow. "I simply did what you asked me to do. I found the Loki killing your minutemen. And..." Loki suddenly, grabbed Sylvie. His arm wrapping around her the front of her shoulders. A dagger in his hand. "I've brought her to you."

"Don't play games, Loki." Ravonna urged. "The timeline branched, causing a nexus event. What have you three done?"

Sylvie struggled in Loki's grasp.

The goddess had no idea what the hell he was doing. But, she definitely didn't like it.

"Nothing you wouldn't do." Loki told her. "That is, if you were desperate enough to get what you wanted." He then let out another chuckle. "Then again, I suppose you're pretty desperate considering you recruited a Loki to find a Loki."

Agent Mobius took a step forward. Disappointment, distrust, even a hint of anger filled his gaze. "Stand down, Loki."

Sarah met Mobius gaze. "Mobius?"

Agent Mobius looked back to the younger girl. It was clear that he didn't seem to have anything to say to her. He gave her the same disappointed expression, before looking back to the god. "It's over, Loki." He told him. "There's no way to run, just make it easier on yourself."

Loki scoffed. "Easier? Oh please. I know how this ends. You're going to take us right back to the TVA to be pruned, am I right?"

"You'd be correct." Ravonna smirked.

It didn't just mean that for Loki and Sylvie. It meant the same for Sarah.

Sarah was a variant now. She became one the very moment she followed him through that portal to chase after Sylvie. By siding with him, she had betrayed the TVA. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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