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Time Variance Authority

Quietness filled the hallway as Sarah, Agent Mobius and Loki Laufeyson all walked together. Agent Mobius had just escorted Sarah and Loki from the courtroom. Loki trailed behind Agent Mobius, but his gaze kept shifting to the younger girl who was practically stuck to him like glue. Sarah was it? That was what they seemed to call her. It was quite odd. First he had first seen her when he was first brought into this place, and now here she was again. Who was she? Why had she just as the man seemed so interested in him? Feeling a shiver down her spine, Sarah could feel Loki watching her. It wasn't that she was frightened, it was more of she was on edge. She didn't know what Agent Mobius was up to, or why he was bringing her along with him for that matter. Sarah looked over to her mentor, finally managing the courage to speak up. "Mobius, where are we going?" She asked.

There was a hint of worry in her voice.

Agent Mobius looked to Sarah. He could tell she was worried, but he didn't want her to be. "No worries, you'll see." He reassured.

Sarah bites on her lower lip, but nodded. She could tell Mobius had some sort of plan, and it involved Loki. But what was it and why? Until they got to their destination, Sarah decided she would do her best to stay silent. Maybe if she simply observed, so could figure something out?

Loki eventually decide to speak up. But of course it had to be some sort of threat. "I'm gonna burn this place to the ground."

Agent Mobius did his best not to laugh. "I'll show you my desk is, you can start there."

As they kept walking a bit further, Loki stopped in his tracks. His gaze went to off of the balcony and onto the distance. What he saw, almost amazed him. It left him in both confusion, and disbelief. It appeared to be almost...a city. The TVA. Agent Mobius smiled. "Have a look." He gestured. Which Loki then approached the balcony railing. "Home sweet home."

Sarah remained where she was.

"I thought there was no magic here." Loki said.

"There isn't". Mobius told him.

The TVA... It was beautiful. Almost mesmerizing. To a point where it seemed unreal. Because Loki couldn't quite wrap his head around it. "That's not real." Loki stated. Sarah bites down on her lower lip. She could definitely understand Lokis reaction. Even herself quite grasp how it was possible. She wasn't sure she even would be able to. If she couldn't understand it, then it only made sense that neither could Loki. Even he was a God who had been thousands of years old. Had seen everything there is to see.

"It is, and unfortunately so is all the paperwork." Mobius replied. "Good tinder for your fire though, come on." Mobius placed a hand on Lokis shoulder to gesture for him to move along.

So he did.

"This place is a nightmare." Loki said.

When Mobius and Loki continued to keep walking, Sarah did her best to keep up with them. Sarah let out a shaky breath. A nightmare? She couldn't exactly disagree with those words. "I can't disagree on that one." She muttered. Which Loki looked to her, a brow furrowed.

"That's another department. Now that department I'll help you burn down." Mobius jests.

Swallowing, Sarah continued down the hallway with Agent Mobius and Loki. The three heading for the elevators...


Everything had become awkwardly quiet when Agent Mobius, Sarah and Loki had entered the elevators. Sarah kept herself in the corner, cramming herself beside Agent Mobius. As for Loki, he stood on the other side of Mobius. Every few seconds, Loki would glance at the Analyst and his young companion. But when he did, it was more a glare. Not one of anger, but more for intimidation. Agent Mobius looked over to Sarah, noticing how she was avoiding eye contact with either of them. He nudged her in the shoulder. "Hey, you okay?" He asked gently. Sarah, was stirred out of her thoughts and looked up at Mobius. Of course he would be the one to break the silence. He always did in these sort of situations. But in reality, he was just trying to distract Sarah from her worry. Though, given her interest in Loki he thought that she would be a little more excited about getting the opportunity to sit and speak with him.

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