Chapter Twelve (THE VARIANT)

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Time Variance Authority

The normally crowded hallways of the TVA, had become empty and silent as each of the dedicated workers had promptly returned to their workspaces. The only footsteps echoing throughout the halls, were that of Sarah Kane and Loki Laufeyson. The God and the Teenager walked side by side with one another. They were awaiting to meet up with Agent Mobius in the Armory after the Analyst finished his meal in the cafeteria. It was nice for the both of them, truly. That they were both able to confide in one another. Sarah and Loki, despite their differences, had a mutual understanding that had brought them closer together. That had somehow helped them create a friendship unlike any other.

It was odd.

Despite their opposing personalities, they still managed to get along, and they could even tolerate one another. The teen was someone that could understand the God. Understand his feelings, and the emotions that he had tried to suppress. Loki found himself smiling every now and then whenever Sarah was around.

He could talk to her. Openly. Without fear of judgment, or any other reason. The God enjoyed the company that the girl provided. And he was certain, that she felt the same way as well.

He knew it must have been nice for her to have someone to confide in that she trusted. Someone other than Agent Mobius.

From what he himself had witnessed, it seemed Mobius never really had time for Sarah.

While Sarah may have been his charge, Mobius was always too busy to be there for her. And yet, despite the lack of care that the analyst provided, the girl remained loyal and trusting to him.

Perhaps it was due to the fact, that Mobius was all she had in this place.

That Mobius was the only person who ever gave her a chance to prove herself. Loki could understand that.

But, it was so clear that Sarah was unhappy. That she was lonely, and had no one to truly confide in. That is why Loki wanted to be there for her. He didn't want her to be alone. Not in a place like this. Not anymore.

As they walked, Loki looked over at the young woman. Noticing she was lost in her thoughts.

He supposed it was all she could ever do.

Loki couldn't help but frown a little bit as he watched her. There was still something about her, that seemed...not quite right. About her existence, about who she was. It was a mystery, a puzzle. One that Loki wanted to solve. But the God wasn't sure that was possible.

At least, not without the aid of powerful beings like the Time-Keepers.

Loki looked to Sarah, and he couldn't help but have a heavy heart. His heart ached for this poor girl. The God knew that the teen had no one here. No one
but, Mobius. And, while the Analyst was the only one Sarah had, Loki was still uncertain how long it would be until Mobius would cast her aside, just like everyone else.

Mobius didn't seem the type.

However, it didn't take a genius to know, that Sarah was not wanted in this place. She was nothing more than a mere nuisance, to everyone else here. A waste of space, a waste of resources.

The TVA, had no need for her.

They didn't care about her, and the God knew that.

He also knew, that if he was unable to help Sarah escape this place, it would only be a matter of time before the others here, would get rid of her.

Oh how he wanted to free her of this place.

To save her from all of this. He wanted to save her from all the pain, all the torment, all the sorrow.

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